Keep Those Nighttime “Pit Stops” Short

And now for a lesson I learned the hard way: keep those night nursing sessions short and to the point, unless you want to lose a lot of sleep. It’s completely normal for babies to wake during the night, don’t let any “expert” tell you otherwise. You don’t have to force your baby to sleep through the night. In fact, you shouldn’t because some babies get a good portion of their calories during night time feedings. I’m a firm believer that infants wake up to eat because they need to, not because they want to deprive you of sleep. This … Continue reading

Techniques for the Middle of the Night

In an effort to gain much needed hours of sleep for my wife I am often charged with taking my crying son out of the bedroom in the middle of the night for as long as he will put up with me. Mommy, in turn, is able to sleep and replenish a drastically drained milk supply while we are away. Cillian is receptive to a number of techniques I use to distract him from the fact that his mother is no longer feeding him. Today I will outline two of my main techniques for keeping him entertained in the middle … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking 3

If you are struggling with getting your baby to sleep through the night, you are not alone. Most parents I talk with describe night waking as an issue with their babies. It is a serious challenge to have a contentedly sleeping baby all night long, but once the problem is solved, the benefit helps everyone involved, including your baby. Now here are some more physical reasons why your baby may be waking at night. Hunger In very young babies, this is probably the number one reason for night waking. Little babies have tiny tummies, and then just need to eat … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking 2

If you want your baby to sleep through the night, you may want to read this post. There may be many reasons why your baby is waking in the night, and they all have solutions that you can try. If you missed the previous post on this topic, you can click here How to Stop Night Waking. Now let’s talk about some more physical reasons that may not be allowing your baby to sleep through the night. Stuffy Nose When babies are very young, they rely on their nasal passages to breathe. Later, they can breath through their mouths, although … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking

Getting your baby to sleep and stay asleep is probably one of the biggest challenges of parenthood. Sure we have all heard the glory stories of babies that sleep through the night the moment they come home from the hospital, but for most of us that just isn’t the case. The first step you might take is to try to eliminate as many of the physical reasons for night waking as possible. This may depend on the age of your baby, since some night waking may be inevitable in tiny babies. Teething Teething pain can wake a baby and keep … Continue reading

“Nightmare on My Street”

I’ve written recently about my daughter Regina’s transition to kindergarten and about some extra issues that can come up for adopted children as they enter school. Now there’s a new wrinkle: Regina seems much happier at school and has mostly stopped having toileting troubles and long tantrums. However, now Meg is waking up every night with nightmares. Sometimes she is literally shaking when she wakes up. For her it has been Halloween every night for the past two weeks, it seems. She tries to snuggle into bed with us. One night I said I really wanted her to stay in … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Just How Do You Do It?

The question reads: I don’t know how you survive as a homeschooling mom with 5 children under the age of 7! How do you ever get out? How do you give everyone enough attention? How can you keep your house clean or attend to your husband? I only have one and am completely overwhelmed. Seriously—just how do you do it? I chuckle as I read this question because I promise you that if you saw my house with books stacked high in places that are NOT the bookshelf—that would answer at least part of your question. I almost didn’t respond … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night Five

Night One Night Two Night Three Night Four Last night was night five of our on-going experiment with “curing” the nighttime bedwetting our six year old has had every night of his life. I admit the results, so far, are curious. This is not the first time we’ve tried the “mind over matter” approach to nighttime bedwetting. We’ve tried every motivator in the book – stickers, goals, encouragement, and positive self-talk – the whole she-bang. Nothing ever worked. Our older son who still occasionally wets the bed is 12 and the only thing that ever worked with him was a … Continue reading

Alone Time

Remember the days in high school when the captain of the football team or president of the student body wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone a peck on the cheek. Back then, you may have lamented the harsh sting of loneliness and wondered if you’d be doomed to walk the halls of life solo for the rest of eternity. Then, you gave birth and going to the toilet, showering, or even brushing your teeth became a team sport. From the moment your baby arrives in your arms until he or she moves out of the nest, “me … Continue reading

What Is Your 8 Month Old Up to?

My little guy turned eight months old just a week ago. I am amazed at how quickly the time is flying. I remember writing my post about him turning 6-months old, and that was two months ago! We have been experiencing some changes around here with a baby that loves to crawl and is on the go constantly. I told a friend that once they learn to crawl, I would almost rather them be able to walk because they are mobile anyway, but they are dying to be able to walk. Especially when babies have older siblings to watch run … Continue reading