Who Rules the Roost In Your House?

This morning, my husband and I woke up groggily after a night of sleep with a baby in the house. Every night is unpredictable. Every night, we never really know how much sleep, or should I say, how little sleep we are going to get. My husband and I left our sweet baby sleeping in the middle of our bed. He came up to me and told me that when he wakes up, I should go in there and stand at the foot of the bed and look at how the covers are on our little babe. He said, “It … Continue reading

Getting Ready for the Baby

Preparations for our daughters birth began as soon as we discovered that I was expecting. There is always something to do whether it be taking supplements to support the baby’s development or getting baby gear together. With each phase of pregnancy comes new things to accomplish and additional changes to be made. I have had my fair share of changes to my regular routine including my diet and exercise regime; modifications were a must to maintain a healthy pregnancy. I also undertook many projects in preparation for the baby, many of them taking the form of “art” projects for the … Continue reading

Planning a Baby Shower Part V

Today is the day of the baby shower for my thirty three weeks pregnant sister. The preparations for this baby shower have been ongoing for the past several months. Things really were put into high gear about three weeks ago with the writing and sending of the baby shower invitations. The planning continued yesterday as I made six dozen cupcakes, got together all my supplies for the baby shower games and items needed for preparing and frosting the six dozen cupcakes, I picked up the flowers for both the door prizes and cupcake decoration, and many other miscellaneous items (like … Continue reading

Don’t Let Housework Get In The Way Of Work

Have you ever been en route to your home office, only to be sidetracked by a pile of laundry that you just have to stop and fold? Maybe you were not sidetracked by the laundry. Perhaps you found yourself unable to walk by the kitchen sink without stopping to wash the three dishes that were neatly piled in there. Maybe it was neither of those two things, but something else entirely. A funny thing that happens when you work from home – you can hear the housework calling to you all day long. A desire to keep a tidy home … Continue reading

Sometimes Work And Kids Work Well Together

Whether you are working at home or working outside of the home and bringing your child to work with you, it can sometimes be challenging to balance working and parenting. Depending upon how old your child is, they can be doing any one of a number of things at any given time that makes it hard to get work done. Some children make a fuss whenever mom or dad is on the phone, because either they are not getting attention or, in my case, the little one wants to play with the phone. Sometimes, they could care less that there … Continue reading

When You are Stuck Inside, Get Crafty!

Today we had some very depressing weather in my neck of the woods. The temperatures were hovering around freezing, and there were alternating periods of drizzles and flurries. The skies were dark enough that we had to turn lights on, even though it was the middle of the day. Needless to say, there was no way I was taking my toddler outside to play! Since he is one of those children who has an endless supply of energy, I had to find something else to keep him occupied. Luckily, the delivery man arrived with some inspiration in the form of … Continue reading

Taking Time Off to Care for a Sick Baby

This morning I had an extra hour and a half to myself. I started to get a little worried because my son tends to wake up every morning at seven like clock work, but this morning he did not wake up until 8:30. Finally, I heard him get out of bed, but no sooner did his feet hit the floor than he had begun to cry a soft, pitiful moan. As soon as I picked him up at his bedroom door, I could feel how warm his little body was. I stripped him down and got him into a warm … Continue reading

What to Consider When Getting a Cat

Between cats and dogs, the two most popular pets in America, cats are the more low maintenance. They can ostensibly be left on their own for longer periods of time, and they don’t require quite the same levels of attention as dogs. Because of that, however, sometimes people think they can just adopt a cat and let it be, when there are still several things to consider when determining if a cat is suitable for your lifestyle. First things first, you’ll have to consider your cat’s vaccinations. Depending on how young of a cat you adopt, and from where you … Continue reading

Babywearing as a Tool for the Work at Home Parent

I just had an Aha! moment. About a half hour ago, I returned home from taking a walk with my son. As usual, he was riding in his back carrier. No stroller rides for this boy, he knows what he likes, and what he likes is to ride on Mom or Dad’s back when we go out walking. Today, he was asleep when we returned home and I did not want to cut his nap short. As I walked into the house, it dawned on me that I could do some things around the house while he was contentedly napping … Continue reading

Sheryl Crow Welcomes her Second Baby through Adoption

Sheryl Crow announced this morning that she is adopting a second child, Levi James, who was born April 30. Crow made the announcement via her website, and her publicist confirmed the information. Crow, age 48, adopted her son Wyatt three years ago, when he was two weeks old. (Click here to see Michelle’s blog on Sheryl’s first adoption.) The sibling connection seems to be important to Crow—she made her announcement by writing, “Wyatt has a baby brother!” Crow reportedly is not deterred by the idea of being a single mother. “For my whole life, I had a pretty clear picture … Continue reading