How to Encourage Social Skills in Your Young Child

Ask any mom of young kids and they may tell you about having concerns about their child’s social skills. Playing and identifying with their peers helps children feel secure. It also helps get them ready for their eventual time at school. Here is a guide to how you can encourage social interaction for your young child. The first thing that you can do is to give your child plenty of opportunity to have social interactions. Join a group in your area, such as a moms club, a moms church group, etc, to plan out play dates. Or just get to … Continue reading

Teach Your Child to Be Polite

If a case of the demanding toddler or preschooler has hit your house you just may want to teach your little one some manners. While some people argue that we should just let kids be kids, I think it is important for children, even young children, to learn some basics of how to politely exist in society. I am not talking about toddler who know how to set a table, of course, but saying “please” and “thank you” and having respect for other people is certainly not out of reach. Here are some basics of being polite and how you … Continue reading

How to Encourage Creative Thinking in Your Preschooler

Thinking outside of the box is a useful skill for anyone to have. It goes hand in hand with creative problem solving, an ability that is highly valued by both schools and employees. Creative problem solving can lead to all sorts of successes in life, from basic survival to an abundant life. Encouraging creative thinking should start early. Even toddlers can come up with a bit of creative thinking. By the time a child is of preschool age, you should foster an environment that offers plenty of opportunity for creative thinking and problem solving. So how can you create this … Continue reading

Scrapbooking With Your Elementary Aged Child

Scrapbooking with an elementary aged child, is without a doubt full of laughter, a lot of giggles, funny stories and a creative mess. However, it is important that this age be allowed the freedom to create whatever it is their hearts desire. And it is also important that they feel that their work has value and that it is honestly appreciated. Children in elementary school are beginning to notice when people don’t like what they do. They are beginning to show their feelings more, and internalize the hurt and pain from others. They are also itching to be creative, working … Continue reading