Ask a Baby Blogger: You Said Not to Pump. . .But They Said to Pump

Question: Hi. I’ve read most of your blogs on breastfeeding and first, thank you so much. We’ve had a rough start and my baby was in the NICU for a few weeks so I had to pump. But when she came home, I stopped pumping because I had read somewhere that you said pumping does not increase your supply. However, the nurses in the hospital said I need to keep pumping to keep up my supply because the baby won’t suck effectively. What’s your advice? First of all, you’re welcome and I’m glad you’re breastfeeding your baby. You’re right. I … Continue reading

Is Pumping the Right Answer?

There’s a new trend in breastfeeding and I’m not so sure I love it. But I don’t hate it either because after all, it does accomplish the same goal essentially. What is this new trend you might ask? Exclusive pumping. Exclusive pumping, at least in the United States, is becoming more and more popular. There are a variety of reasons for this and really I’m somewhat speculating. I realize that women pump when their babies are in the hospital or they pump when they’re having latch issues. I get that some women need to go back to work, etc., etc. … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Why Supplementing is Bad News

Question: I’ve read lots of your stuff about breastfeeding. You often tell moms not to supplement if they want to breastfeed but I thought I read somewhere that you supplemented with your younger three? Can you explain when it is okay and not okay to supplement? This is a really tricky question to answer because each individual situation is different. Let me preface my answer by saying that I believe that moms need to do whatever they need to do to get the baby fed. That sometimes includes supplementing with formula. However, let me say that supplementing is not the … Continue reading

5 Common Breastfeeding Mistakes that New Moms Make

The CDC announced recently that while more women are breastfeeding than even a few years ago, they’re still not doing it for long enough. I have said before that I believe the number one reason women quit breastfeeding is for lack of support and information. Sure, while you’re pregnant you undoubtedly had lots of brochures passed your way and maybe you’ve even had a conversation with the pediatrician. But your baby is born and all does not go as planned and before you know it, you’re supplementing and slowly you lose milk. So here are my top 5 common mistakes … Continue reading

Baby Blog in Review: April Thus Far

What can I say other than ‘oops’? I forgot to post a week in review for the baby blog last week. I was just coming back from vacation, had mountains of laundry and other sundry things to take care of and well, I just forgot. So this week, I will bring you the baby blog review starting from April 1st! Sunday, April 1 April started off controversially with a blog entitled Weak White Males and the Difference Race Makes in Preemies. This is a discussion on the statistical tendency for males, especially caucasion males to mature the slowest in the … Continue reading

How Pumping Sabotages the New Mom

This is not a blog for those of you who had no choice but to pump because of health issues or because your baby was in the NICU. Neither is this a blog for those of you who pumped and breastfed without any supply problems. This is a blog in response to those of you who have sent me private messages asking me to clarify why I advise so strongly against new moms pumping right away. The questions and comments are all very similar: “I don’t have enough milk. I can’t even pump a whole ounce.” “I’ve been pumping in … Continue reading

Valorie’s Breastfeeding Index

Later today I will post a review of the baby blog of 2007 so why does breastfeeding get its own category? Well, in part as an answer to readers who want to read what I’ve written on breastfeeding. I’ve written so much on breastfeeding at this point that you all have asked for an index of sorts so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. It’s also in part because I’ve become known as the breastfeeding lady. . .guru. . .whatever you want to call it. I’ve been at this breastfeeding business for a long time and many of … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Questions: Hind Milk and Fore Milk

Someone in the forums asked me to explain the idea of hind milk and fore milk. Most women don’t even need to worry about it. Your milk comes when it comes and is perfectly designed to meet the needs of your baby. Your baby instinctively knows how long to suck and when. When he’s thirsty, you’ll notice that he sucks lightly and doesn’t nurse as long. However, when your baby is really hungry, you’ll notice that his suck is much harder and he’ll tend to nurse much longer in this manner on one side or the other. This is because … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Set a Breastfeeding Goal

I’m really not against setting breastfeeding goals. If you’ve read any of my blogs you probably could’ve figured that out. The problem, however, is what happens when we don’t achieve those goals. I have spoken to countless women who for one reason or another felt like a failure for not meeting her breastfeeding goals. I do think moms need to actively pursue breastfeeding as they would good nutrition later in childhood, but not meeting your breastfeeding goals does not a failure make! It Wasn’t Working It is rare that women, medically speaking, cannot breastfeed. Unfortunately though, there is not a … Continue reading

PCOS and Breastfeeding

I have written before about how it is extremely rare that a woman has a medical condition that prevents her from producing enough milk. PCOS, however, is one such condition that is consistently associated with low supply. Just because you may have PCOS, doesn’t mean you won’t have enough milk for your baby though. Low supply may be unavoidable when a mother has PCOS, but here are some things you can do to try to prevent the problem or work with it. How Does PCOS Affect Breastfeeding? It is known that PCOS patients are deficient in progesterone. Progesterone plays a … Continue reading