Your Child’s Name Could Impact His or Her Future

Would a Rose, by any other name, smell just a sweet? Perhaps Rose’s parents would think so. They obviously have very positive associations with the name that brings to mind a beautiful flower. Other people may not look upon her name quite so favorably. Research suggests that a person’s name shapes the course of his or her life. Parents have so many factors to consider when choosing a name for a new baby. Should you name the baby after a relative? Would a name that is currently cool be a good idea? How about a name that reflects your family’s … Continue reading

Cthulhu AllSpark is not a Good Baby Name

How did you decide upon the perfect name for you son or daughter? Many parents choose names that have been handed down in their families from one generation to the next. Others pick names that are popular in the year the baby was born. One couple decided to break with tradition and ask “the internet” to select a name for their baby girl. Poor thing almost got named Cthulhu All-Spark! How did this very unique name get suggested? It didn’t come from either of her parents! Stephen McLaughlin, a software developer, decided to ask the Reddit community to suggest some … Continue reading

What are Your 2013 Genealogy Resolutions?

Typically, a New Year’s Resolution involves a goal that you intend to work toward in order to improve your life in the year ahead. Have you ever made a genealogy related New Year’s Resolution? If so, are you working on it, (or have you already given up that goal)? In the time that I have been writing for the Genealogy blog at, I’ve made a couple of genealogy resolutions at the start of the year. So far, I have completely abandoned all hope of achieving each one of them rather quickly, and have yet to reach those goals (whatever … Continue reading

What Happens When Your Water Breaks?

If you are pregnant, chances are you have heard at least one or two accounts of how someone’s water broke when it was almost time for their baby to be born. While having your water break before you head for the hospital is completely normal, it is also normal for your water to remain intact until you are at the hospital and your labor is well underway. What is it like for your water to break? I have no idea, because mine did not break during either pregnancy, it had to be broken both times. I did some research so … Continue reading

More Bad News for Crazy Baby-Naming Parents

Remember the parents who named their children “Adolf Hitler” and “Aryan Nation”? Last year, the couple lost custody of their kids, and according to a new report, the children will likely remain separated from their parents for the foreseeable future. The kids’ dad, Heath Campbell, maintains that the reason the children were taken into the state’s custody is because a judge didn’t think they should remain with adults who would give them monikers with negative stereotypes. Meanwhile, court documents show that in 2010, officials found sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect existed because of domestic violence in the family’s New … Continue reading

Reasons to Fire Your Doctor During Pregnancy

With my first pregnancy, I hated my doctor. With my second, I loved my doctor. I had female OBGYNs both times. First, let me tell you what I loved about my doctor during my second pregnancy. She was calming. She did not overreact about things. This was exactly what I needed. I am a worrier, so having a doctor that was not was very helpful. It was easy to schedule appointments and I never waited more than 10 minutes. She listened to me ramble. Never once did I feel like she was going to rush out of the room, or … Continue reading

What’s In A Name?

Genealogists often spend a lot of time concentrating on reseraching people with the same surname. While surnames are important for genealogical research because they connect members of the same family, it is interesting to look at first names too. First names, or given names as they are often called, are just that – the name that a child is given by their parents when they are born. In the past, there were many children that were given the names of their ancestors. In some cultures, there was even a precise formula for naming children. For example, in the 1700’s and … Continue reading

Baby Bathtubs

When our daughter was born, we didn’t give her a bath for a long time. We for sure didn’t want her to get the usual bath most newborns get within hours of being born. The vernix (white, waxy-looking substance covering a newborn’s skin) has many health benefits for babies, and we wanted it to be absorbed into her skin, not washed off. When her umbilical cord fell off and we finally felt comfortable giving her a bath, we were excited to try out her infant bathtub. The little hammock that came with the infant tub was great, because it kept … Continue reading

Doctor’s Appointments: More Traumatic for Baby or Mom?

My husband and I were advised by a G.I. Specialist to have our daughter’s blood drawn due to some issues she was having with blood in her stool. They wanted to test it to make sure she didn’t have any blood clotting disorders. After giving it some thought for a couple weeks, not wanting to inflict pain on our baby if it wasn’t necessary, we decided we’d take his advice and take her to the “local” Children’s Hospital (a 30-minute drive, but definitely worth the extra time on the road). The morning of the blood draw, I woke up feeling … Continue reading

Saving Up For Baby

Babies are expensive. There are tons of things to buy: diapers, clothes, cribs and strollers, just to name a few. If you have ever looked at the cost of a hospital delivery, your jaw probably hit the floor! For instance, the cost to hook me up to the monitors for a couple hours? Over $500! I didn’t even see a doctor or eat any of their food! I have a few strategies that I have used or plan on using the next time around to offset the cost: Pregnancy = Part Time Job I vowed to my husband, “next time … Continue reading