Fired for Breastfeeding?

Imagine this: you work at a restaurant and during your break you head outside. Dad brings your newborn baby to the restaurant and you breastfeed your infant in the car. When your boss finds out, he tells you that you cannot breastfeed during your breaks. You explain that you need to work and you can’t afford to stay on leave until you are done nursing. Unfortunately, your boss is not willing to compromise and you’re fired. Sounds outrageous, right? That’s exactly what happened to Marina Chavez in Los Angeles. Fortunately for Marina, the Fair Employment and Housing Commission ruled that … Continue reading

How Breastfeeding Makes Mothering Easier

Did you know that breastfeeding your child can make you job as a mom a lot easier? Here is how. Every time you nurse your baby, your body releases two hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones enter your blood stream and have some wonderful affects. They begin to form an intuitive bond with your baby, allowing you the two of you to be in synch with one another. Your breastmilk will change in concentration, amount and composition to meet your baby’s exact needs according to age, season and even preferences. These hormones also create an actual physical sense of calm … Continue reading

Nursing Moments

These days I spend a large portion of my day (and night) nursing my daughter. Sometimes I find myself getting a little frustrated when I have to stop to nurse her when I am in the middle of doing something else like cleaning, cooking, or writing etc. Again at night when I am particularly tired and she cannot seem to latch on without focused illuminated help. Even though I find myself feeling temporarily frustrated, I also feel a sense of appreciation for the “forced breaks” that I get to take throughout the day and I am grateful for the time … Continue reading

Milk Problems

I breastfeed. I’ve breastfed all three of my children and I love it. Not only is it the best food for baby, but it gives me downtime with my little ones that is strictly between them and me. No one can substitute for me, no one can take my place. It’s a bonding experience that I couldn’t imagine not having with my babies. But about four weeks ago, I had a really nasty cold. I took some anti-histamines. The next day I found out that it really wasn’t a cold, it was the flu. A flu that was accompanied by … Continue reading

Disciplining Other People’s Kids

Back when I was growing up in a tight knit community in Queens, New York, we kids took it for granted that any adult we knew might feel free to discipline us for bad behavior. Today, parents aren’t quite so sure. We wonder if we have a right to discipline someone else’s child, even if that child is getting away with something that we would never in a million years allow our own children to do. We often ignore the bad behavior in someone else’s child, leaving our own kids bewildered. I think there may be two big reasons that … Continue reading

Preparing for Your First Week as a Mom

As your due date approaches, concerns about how life will be after the baby comes are perfectly normal. Even if you have had a lot of experience babysitting other children, handling a newborn 24/7 and juggling motherhood with everything else can be a big challenge. Here are some things you can do to prepare: 1. Get plenty of rest. Resist the urge to stay up cleaning your house and sleep as much as possible during your last days of pregnancy. 2. Cook meals ahead of time. Prepare and freeze enough dinners to last you a solid week. You’ll be much … Continue reading