Vacuum Fears Part I

Vacuums have garnered the notoriety from small children for being terrifying monstrous machines. The sheer size of an average sized vacuum to a newly crawling or walking child is undoubtedly petrifying in their eyes. In combination with the growling loud noise the vacuum makes, it is no wonder that small children find this common household item to be so scary. Among the numerous young children that have jarring fears of the vacuum cleaner, I too have faint memories of running and hiding from the running vacuum cleaner. That fear eventually turned into mild amusement and finally mundane disdain (since I … Continue reading

How to Encourage Social Skills in Your Young Child

Ask any mom of young kids and they may tell you about having concerns about their child’s social skills. Playing and identifying with their peers helps children feel secure. It also helps get them ready for their eventual time at school. Here is a guide to how you can encourage social interaction for your young child. The first thing that you can do is to give your child plenty of opportunity to have social interactions. Join a group in your area, such as a moms club, a moms church group, etc, to plan out play dates. Or just get to … Continue reading

Teach Your Child to Be Polite

If a case of the demanding toddler or preschooler has hit your house you just may want to teach your little one some manners. While some people argue that we should just let kids be kids, I think it is important for children, even young children, to learn some basics of how to politely exist in society. I am not talking about toddler who know how to set a table, of course, but saying “please” and “thank you” and having respect for other people is certainly not out of reach. Here are some basics of being polite and how you … Continue reading

Six-Month-Old Infants Can Understand Math

One plus one is two is a concept that even infants can understand, according to the latest research performed by a team of scientist in the US and Israel. The researchers determined that these young babies can detect mathematical errors in computation. The issue of whether or not humans are born with the ability to understand mathematical concepts or whether they learn them later has been debated for many years. The most common thinking previously had been that this kind of understanding did not develop in a young child until at least the age of two-and-a-half. In other words, there … Continue reading

Play Group Mama Drama

As a new mom, you may be looking forward to joining an organized group of other moms. After all, who else will listen to you discuss the consistency of your baby’s poop or be willing to give you support when you are having problems with breast feeding. But new mom beware. Play groups and mom groups can come with a lot of mama drama, from back biting to cliques. When you join a group, be clear to yourself why you are there. Is it to provide some socialization for your child? Is it to get out of the house? Is … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 18th Through August 24th

Somewhere near the end of summer my babies always seem to go through a growth spurt where nothing fits them. It is too late to get new summer clothes, and too warm for the fall clothes, so we are just making do. Soon it will be time to snuggle in and enjoy the cooler fall temperatures and hopefully have more time to catch up on some indoor fun. If you need to do some catching up yourself, check out last week’s posts. August 18th Baby Blog Week in Review: August 11th Through August 17th Have you seen the Reborn Babies? … Continue reading

Helping Your Baby Manage the Fear of New Things 2

Yesterday I shared a little bit about the how and why babies can be fearful of new things, even those things that you want them to experience. I also mentioned how my own toddler who loves water in every form he has encountered so far (he doesn’t even mind when water gets in his face from a shower or sprinkler) seemed to loathe the beach. Now I’ll tell you more about how we decided to take the supportive approach with him and this fear. That first day at the beach, we arrived to it in the afternoon. It was a … Continue reading

Helping Your Baby Manage the Fear of New Things

Babies are new creatures in the world and are naturally curious about the things, people and happenings around them. This can often get them into trouble as when they are exploring something that could be dangerous, such as an unprotected stairway or a hot stove. Because of the danger, we baby proof our homes and keep a close watch on our little ones. Babies also come with a healthy does of instinctual fears that can help them stay out of danger, such as the fear of falling, a fear of loud noises and even a fear of the dark. These … Continue reading

Week of October 9th in Review

I have had a crazy week this week. I celebrated my 10-year anniversary and my husband’s birthday. I had what seemed like a million other things to do. As a result I didn’t get many blogs written this week. But I did want to take a few minutes to review what has been written for my own benefit and for yours. Monday Myra shared this tidbit. Good News For Older Women Who Are Trying To Conceive: Acupuncture May Boost Fertility. Parenting With Love and Logic is a great book that helps parents recognize their parenting style and then teaches them … Continue reading