Oh Baby!

Baby scrapbooks don’t have to cost an arm and a leg to make.  While, there are dozens of budget-busting elements you can add to your memory book, frugal crafters have affordable options as well. For starters, the Internet is teeming with free items you can print in the comfort of your own home.  Scrapbooking websites are filled with an array of free baby book printables, including, but not limited to worksheets, special occasion pages, growth records, decorative paper, quotes and poems. Printable worksheets allow you to document your child’s milestones in an organized manner.  For example, rather than randomly jot … Continue reading

Heartwarming Tales from Across the Web

Guide dogs for other dogs aren’t entirely uncommon Months ago I posted about the best animals on the internet, rounding up the latest of the funniest or cutest animal stories I’d seen. Today I want to share two of the most heartwarming stories about dogs I saw in October. MSNBC Today has the first story. Erica Daniel specializes in fostering the dogs that really need help, either for behavioral or health issues. She’s used to not giving up, to pouring everything she can into healing these dogs so that they’re ready to go into homes. This summer she found herself … Continue reading

What are You Feeding Your Baby?

If you’re one of the millions of parents around the world, who cheerfully watch as your precious bundles of joy suck down processed jarred baby food manufactured by the Heinz company, then you might want to consider doing otherwise. A new report out claims that you’re better off pureeing cheeseburgers and Oreo cookies than feeding your infant Heinz baby food. The report details the nutritional value (which is practically nil) contained in the popular baby food. British researcher found that Heinz’s baby biscuits contained more sugar than classic Oreo cookies, while its mini cheese biscuits, aimed at toddlers, contained more … Continue reading

Celebs’ New Gigs—-Anne’s an Ambassador and Suri’s a Polar Bear?

Frankly, I am surprised that it took so long for a cosmetics company to hire Anne Hathaway. Even before she made a name for herself in “The Devil Wears Prada” I always thought she had one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood. Her skin is flawless (at least it appears to be in the shots I’ve seen) and her smile is infectious. She just has a fresh look about her. Now it appears execs at Lancome are giving the actress the recognition she deserves. Following in the footsteps of the company’s past famous faces, Kate Winslet and Clive Owen, … Continue reading

The Case of Knut, the Baby Polar Bear, and the Animal Rights Activist

Are you familiar with Knut, the baby polar bear born on December 5, 2006 at the Berlin Zoo in Germany? His mother rejected him and his twin brother at birth. (His twin died four days later.) Knut spent the first 44 days of his life in an incubator. During that time his life hung in the balance. It was similar to another famous polar bear abandonment scene. On November 6, 1994, Klondike and Snow were also abandoned at birth by their mother at the Denver Zoo. They were given only a 50/50 chance of surviving. But survive they did, and … Continue reading

Event Planning: The Baby Shower

Do you know someone who is about to have a baby and what you really want to do is throw them a baby shower, but you have no idea where to start? If you’re anything like me, you’ll be out searching the web and talking to your relatives and trying to figure out what to do, who to invite, when you need to get things started and what to actually do once you get everyone there. The following tips are designed to help you plan a baby shower whether you’ve done it a dozen times or never before. Some of … Continue reading

How To Hold Your Baby

There are many ways to hold and cradle your new baby. If you’re a bit uncertain, here are a few tips on how to hold your baby. The different ways you can hold them will vary depending on your mood and your baby’s – so don’t be surprised if you find yourself switching holds around at different times in the day. Rock-a-Bye Baby The rock-a-bye baby hold is exactly how it sounds. You hold them in the crook of your arm and slightly inclined. You can steady her with your arm and your hand and your free arm is there … Continue reading

Top 10 Baby Shower Gifts

Throwing a baby shower for a loved one or looking forward to a baby shower of your own? There are lots of ways to host a baby shower and we’ve talked about baby shower themes and party ideas both here in the Baby blog as well as in the Pregnancy blog. In honor of July 10, we’re going to talk about the top 10 baby shower gifts you can receive or give to others The Bouncy Seat Sure – not all parents care for the bouncy seat, but it is a great way to soothe and stimulate the baby. It’s … Continue reading

Baby Shower Games

Looking for a way to have fun at a baby shower and to entertain not only the mom-to-be, but also to just have a good time with the girls. Moms need the women in their lives and we need those girls’ nights out. You may not realize just how valuable those are right now, but the baby shower can be the first time you experience it. So here’s some games that can be a lot of fun to play at your baby shower or at a baby shower you are giving for someone else. Baby Bingo Get a few take … Continue reading

Heart to Heart: The Baby & The Bear

My sister-in-law was going to a baby shower the other day and we were talking about the things we’ve learned since our kids were born. There are a lot of things we received both before and after the baby was born that we never used and very few things we could say as an absolute that we needed to have. Between the two of us, we did some brainstorming and there was one item that we both came back to again and again as a definite must have for any mom and her baby whether she is on child number … Continue reading