Were Any of Your Ancestors Born on Leap Day?

Were any of your ancestors born on Leap Day? This might be more difficult to figure out than you may think. There are some quirks associated with February 29 that genealogists will not face when searching for information about an ancestor who was not born on Leap Day. Leap Year only happens once every four years. February 29 is called Leap Day. This day has been added to the calendar as a corrective measure. We say that the Earth orbits the Sun one time every 365 days. However, in reality, it doesn’t quite match up exactly. To keep the calendar … Continue reading

Leap Year or Not—February is a Short Month for Business

I have mixed feelings about February. To begin with, it is my birthday month, so I am rather fond of it for that reason only. From a work perspective, however, it tends to give me a bit of stress. With 2-3 days less in the month, you would think that it might make things easier but for a woman who needs every day an every hour to try to generate income—three (or two) in a leap year less days can have an effect on my bottom line and my energy level. I imagine it might be more mental than anything—I … Continue reading

Happy Leap Year Baby!

I know, even before I write it, that this is going to sound dumb so bear with me here; but I never realized there were people out there with Leap Year birthdays. Yes, I get that people are born every day and it stands to reason that there are babies right now being born on this illustrious day of February 29th. What I mean is that I just had never thought about it. And apparently, some patients who can choose their due dates (via scheduled c-section), are leaping at the chance to give birth to little leapers. Why Leapers Are … Continue reading

Sorting Shapes

We have the Tupperware Shape-O Toy. It has been a favorite of all the toddlers who have lived with us. What’s funny is that as much as the children love the toy, we try to hide it. Children love repetition. They are more than happy to hear the same stories, listen to the same songs, and watch the same movies over and over again. When the children want to play with the shape sorting ball we have to play too. We love the children and love playing with them, but it gets tiring having to repeat the actions with them … Continue reading

How Many Toys Does My Son Need?

I honestly wonder how many toys a kid really needs. Do you know? I don’t know when I should start thinning out and donating my son’s older toys. I don’t know if I should just pack some up and rotate them, or if I should get rid of some, or if I should let him keep all of them. How do I decide? I walk through my living room and it is filled with toddler toys. Some are designed to grow with your child, so that they can use them for years. Those are mostly the learning toys that teach … Continue reading

Who’s Ready to SHOP? –Some Holiday Gift Ideas For Kids

Have you heard the latest news? Wal Mart and Target are going all out this year, slicing prices in the name of competition…and profit. According to Wal Mart President and Ceo, Lee Scott, “We are implementing our most aggressive pricing strategy ever across core categories, such as toys and electronics.” What does this mean for you, the consumer? In short, better prices! It also means you’d better start searching your toy ads to see which retailer offers the best price before you buy. In case you thought it was too early to start shopping, rest assured that prices have been … Continue reading

Calendar of Strange Holidays and Other Events to Scrapbook In June

Imagine the strange and jazzy layouts you can make celebrating some of these wild, wacky and unusual holidays. These have been collected and compiled from various sources over the years of my teaching and we celebrated many of them in the classroom. Celebrate them with your children and family and create fun and wacky layouts! The Month of June Adopt A Shelter Cat Month Cancer From The Sun Month Celibacy Awareness Month Child Vision Awareness Month Children’s Awareness Month Dairy Alternative Month Effective Communications Month Entrepreneurs Do It Yourself Marketing Month Fireworks Safety Month Gay and Lesbian Pride Month International … Continue reading