Does Your Child Hate the Doctor’s Office?

I once got into trouble with my mom for falling asleep in the waiting room at the allergist’s office. In my defense, I had been at a sleepover the night before — and despite the clever name, had barely slept. The wait seemed endless, and I nodded over my waiting room magazine. Mom kept nudging me awake, telling me to pay attention, and letting me know how rude and disrespectful it was to snooze in the waiting room. As far as waiting room mischief goes, I still maintain that sleeping in my chair was not the worst crime possible. But … Continue reading

Parenting With No Regrets

Regrets…I am sure that I am in good company when I confess that wrestling with guilt and regrets has been one of my ongoing “issues” in parenting. Years ago, I remember reading an article or book where the writer said if you do your best job as a parent, you will be able to let go with no regrets. While this sounds fabulous in theory, I haven’t quite figured out how to put it into practice. Perhaps, because I’m a mom… I suppose that being fully engaged in parenting and striving to do the best job we possibly can with … Continue reading

The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind: Part II

In my last blog, we talked about how researchers were able to detect jealousy. While it seems like that would be common sense to anyone who has more than one young child, it is now a “proven” scientific fact. They have determined with research that babies as young as 4 months are capable of feeling jealousy. What is more important than the fact that someone spent likely millions of dollars to determine that babies can get jealous, is that doctors are starting to ditch the notion that babies are simply beings that just mimic those around them. That messy, diaper … Continue reading