The Many Ways that Toddlers Play

Toddlers are very interested in exploring their world. They haven’t yet developed the social skills that preschools use to play with other kids. Parents might wonder what their toddler is thinking when he or she starts playing with “boring” household objects. Here is some insight about what’s going on. Parallel Play One of the earliest ways for toddlers to be social with each other is through parallel play. One toddler sits on the floor next to a huge pile of cars and trucks. She selects one, and starts rolling it back and forth on the floor in front of her. … Continue reading

DIY Toddler Toys from Everyday Objects

Toddlers have an abundance of curiosity, a short attention span (when compared to adults), and an innate ability to uninhibitedly express themselves whenever the need strikes. One might say that toddlers excel at living in the moment. The good news is that this means you can make some DIY toddler toys out of everyday household objects that will attract and amuse your toddler. Obviously, parents will need to monitor their toddlers as they play with these “DIY” toys (just as they would if the toddler was playing with regular toys). Many parents have noticed this little “quirk” that toddlers have. … Continue reading

Routines Are Good For Toddlers And Parents Too

Many toddlers (and their parents) benefit from having routines that they follow on a daily basis. Routines do not have to be rigid or make you feel trapped. For toddlers, routines provide a sense of order which helps them to feel secure because they know what they can usually expect to be happening and when. As your toddler grows, routines can even help him or her to learn things like how to tell time and days of the week. For adults, routines are a great time management tool which can help them to get the things they need to do … Continue reading

Interest Level In Toys Can Predict Success Of Treatment Program

If your toddler is showing some of the early signs of autism, now might be a great time to start with a form of treatment. You might find it difficult to select from the treatments that you are aware of, unsure which will be the most effective for your child. A study finds that the level of interest that a toddler has in toys is a good indicator for how responsive that child will be for a certain kind of parent-guided treatment program. When a child has a special need, it is generally beneficial for the child to have access … Continue reading

Toys Can Be Family Treasures

Throughout the generations, there are some things that have remained constant. One of these things is that children enjoy playing with toys. Sure, the toys have changed over the years, but wherever there is a child there are likely to be at least a few toys around. Despite the fact that toys are often well-worn and well-loved by the time a child outgrows them, they are often handed down for younger siblings or cousins to enjoy. Sometimes, parents even keep a few of their children’s toys around the house so that when grandchildren come along, they can enjoy them too. … Continue reading

Toys That Startle

If a toy moves, it’s an instant hit with my son. If it makes noise, however, he has to warm up to it. If it does both, well, there’s no telling how he’ll react. This year he got a tricycle and he loved it immediately. Right away, he wanted to get on it and ride it around the living room. We were smart to give it to him last or he wouldn’t have been interested in the rest of his gifts. He also got a Cozy Coupe and it was the same story; he played with it right away and … Continue reading

Storing Baby’s Toys

Even if you don’t start of with very many toys for your baby, after your baby’s first Christmas and her first birthday, you’ll have baby toys coming out of your ears. People love to buy baby clothes when you’re expecting, but they love to buy toys even more once your baby is born and begins to play. If you were smart, you planned plenty of storage when you created your baby’s nursery design. Or, you were like me and had only minimal toy storage available. After Christmas and before his birthday, we made an upgrade to his toy storage. I … Continue reading

The Greatest Game

When my husband and I got married, we received what would seem to others like an unusual gift from his older sister. Next to the beautiful hand-painted serving bowl she gave us, she included a book: “50 Games to Play with Your Dog,” by Suellen Dainty. Jon and I didn’t own a dog, plus that’s not exactly the sort of gift one expects to receive for a wedding. However, my sister-in-law and I are close, and she knew me well enough to know that I’d wanted a dog all my life, and that I was eager to get one as … Continue reading

Toddlers and Chores

Keeping a clean house is a lesson parents try to teach their children when the kids are young. My mom and dad did what they could to instill in me a respect for a clean and uncluttered area. Having a clean and organized house can make for a more peaceful and less anxious home environment. I have a toddler who needs to learn about putting things away when she’s done with them. She is a great helper when it’s time to put things away at Gymboree. She’ll even help her friends put their things away. Yet this same two-year-old looks … Continue reading

Entertaining Toddlers

Toddlers have a very short attention span. In order to keep them entertained, there are many tricks that parents have learned to make their lives easier. This includes what to have in the car to entertain children during heavy traffic and what to have to lessen their anxiety in the waiting room. Let’s look at some ideas for entertaining toddlers. Busy Bag for Cars A busy bag for toddlers will come in handy when you get stuck in traffic or have to wait in the dentist or doctor’s office. Filled with special goodies that your child doesn’t get to play … Continue reading