Baby Sleep is Unpredictable

Last night was brutal. My little man was up every couple of hours. Screaming for no apparent reason. It was tough. But, what made it even tougher was the fact that he had just turned a corner with his sleep habits, and had started sleeping through the night for like 5 days in a row. He is 13 months old. Unfortunately, a baby’s sleep is never predictable. I remember my daughter having episodes like that too. And, she was my best sleeper. My middle child was the worst, not sleeping through the night until he was 18 months old. And, … Continue reading

Baby’s First Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving. I can’t help but think of Thanksgiving one year ago today. I was pregnant with my little baby and very anxious for him to come. In fact, I had made up my mind that I was going to have him over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend since he was due on December 3, and I had my other two kids almost a week early. It was perfect timing. However, it was not the right timing because my little guy decided to come 4 days late. He was born on December 7th. I remember that Thanksgiving like it was … Continue reading

Grateful for Baby

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to think about all the things that I am grateful for about my job as a Mother to my sweet little baby. Yesterday, one of my older children was sick. I had very little sleep, and had been up since about 2 am. Needless to say, I was pretty grouchy when the sun started to rise and I had to continue on with my daily duties as a Mom. But, then my baby woke up. I walked into his room, and he smiled at me (like he always does). I thought to myself, … Continue reading

When Baby Has Surgery

Last week, my sweet baby had to have surgery. Without writing about anything too personal, I will say it was something that was considered very “routine” and it was a same-day procedure. However, when your sweet baby has to have something like surgery, it is never routine. At least, not for the mama. I knew that he would have to have this surgery since he was born, but I was trying to not think about it. But, before I knew it, it was time to make that appointment. But, it was still a month away, so again, I put it … Continue reading

Meeting Baby For The First Time

If you are pregnant with your first child, you may be wondering what it’s like to meet your new baby for the first time at the hospital. Of course, since every child and every birth is different, there is no “standard procedure” by which new parents get acquainted with their newborns. The births of my two sons were different, so I met each of them in a slightly different way. Dylan was born at around seven in the evening. He was born in a local hospital, and my labor had been induced because of preeclampsia. The delivery was fairly uneventful, … Continue reading

Things You Just Get Over With Another Baby

I just added baby number 3 to my bunch. It’s been a whirlwind the past 3 1/2 months as we all get used to this new bundle, and as I, the mama, get used to having three kids!! It seems like so many people to raise. And, to some it is, but to other Moms, my little trio of children probably doesn’t seem like any trouble at all. I love this picture of my three little ones. It’s perfection in my mind. It’s real motherhood. It was 10 am and we were all still in PJs and baby brother was … Continue reading

A Baby Blessing

In the LDS church, we believe that we should be baptized when we are old enough to know right from wrong. As little babies, we don’t sin simply because we don’t know right from wrong. We also don’t believe that by being born we are born with sin. So, in our church, we do not baptize infants. But, having a new infant is still a very special time. That little life brought into a new home is so magical. You can’t help but feel how close they are to their Heavenly Father, and you can’t help but worry about the … Continue reading

Being Grateful For Your Ex

Sometimes when you are divorced it’s hard to remember to be grateful for your child’s other parent. There can be so much animosity at times that it’s all you can do to smile and make nice when Daddy comes to pick them up. I knew my ex husbands shortcomings as a father but there were times when I was grateful for him. Hailey had surgery on her mouth after she got her braces. It seems that her eye teeth were impacted and they needed to hook little wires on them to pull them down into place. This required peeling back … Continue reading

Baby Preparations: The Travel System

I recently received a phone call from my sister that is a new mommy. She and her one week old baby were out running some errands and she was using her new travel system, specifically the stroller, for the first time. She called me because she could not get the infant car seat out of the stroller. She was in such distress, that I went up stairs and pulled my infant car seat out of the closet and lugged it outside to fit it into our stroller (we have the same travel system). Clearly something was not lined up properly … Continue reading

Baby Shower Gift Idea: eMealz

After the birth of my third and fourth child, I was blessed enough to be a member of a loving church. They are so loving and understanding that after a birth of a baby the women get together and bring you dinner for the first week or two. I have to say the experience was wonderful. Not only are the women of my church loving they are great cooks. I felt like I was at a restaurant every night. Not to mention how grateful my family was to have hot meals every night without lifting a finger. Dinner is necessary … Continue reading