Christmas Safety Tips for Parents of Toddlers

Everyone wants to have their holiday vacation be a pleasant one. Ideally, everyone in your family should be warm, safe, and happy. One way to help ensure a merry Christmas is to follow some of these holiday safety tips. These are geared for new parents and for parents who have small children. Toddlers will grab trees. Many parents make use of a playpen from time to time. Some parents use the playpen as an easy place for their toddler to take a nap. Others put their toddler safely into the playpen so they can quickly run to the bathroom or … Continue reading

Fun Holiday Gifts and Crafts for Toddlers

If you are trying to navigate the holiday season on a tight budget this year, you are not alone. Many people, parents of toddlers included, are looking for ways to make merry for less. Whether your desire to cut back on spending is motivated by necessity or simply a desire to live a little more simply, here are some ideas that you might want to use this year. For your toddler, here are a few ideas. One thing that you can do is to round up any old, broken crayons that are lying around. Home made “crazy crayons”, made from pieces … Continue reading

Toddlers and Holidays

Sometimes, it is interesting to think about how and when children come to understand the meanings of the various holidays that their families celebrate. Of course, much of the understanding (or lack thereof) comes from how “into” each particular holiday a child’s parents are. For example, I am not sure whether Dylan understands a whole lot about Christmas because my husband and I have not been overly focused on teaching him about it. He understands Thanksgiving more, because that is our favorite holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is this weekend, and at not quite two and a half years old, Dylan … Continue reading

Dancing Toddlers

My son loves to dance. Is this just a natural interest for toddlers? Do all toddlers love music and dance? I’ve been thinking about enrolling my son in some sort of toddler dance class. He is interested in all kinds of music and dances to anything. I’ve been reading up on toddler dance classes and looking for something to get him enrolled in. I found that they offer “Tiptoes & Tumbling” classes, which are designed to encourage creativity, coordination, skills, musicality and rhythm. Another class I found is “Pre-School Tap, Ballet & Tumbling” for ages 3 to 5. At another … Continue reading

Leaf Crafts for Toddlers

It’s just about fall! The older kids are heading back to school. If you are looking for crafty activities to do with your baby or toddler, here are a few fun ideas. If you have preschoolers too, be sure to check out these fun end of summer and beginning of fall ideas as well! With babies and toddlers, doing art is about getting messy, exploring new textures, and working on fine and large motor skills. Oh yeah, it’s also about having fun! Where I live, the leaves are just beginning to change colors. Go out on a leaf hunt with … Continue reading

Characteristics of Strong Willed Toddlers

Every parent that I’ve ever met who is going through the terrible twos with their child thinks that their child is strong willed. I hate to break it to all those moms that think they have their hands full, but being stubborn when you don’t get your way at the age of two is NOT an automatic sign of a strong willed child. Being stubborn when you don’t get your way is normal at the age of two. Throwing a temper tantrum is normal at that age as well. Continuing to do so past the ‘terrible two’ stage is not … Continue reading

Great Book Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

Does your baby already have a library? Mine did. I was always looking for good books for her whether they were the edible cardboard kind or the exploratory touch and feel kind. I spent a lot of time out there looking for good books that would appeal to her. So if you’re like me and you’re looking for some great book ideas for your baby or toddler, here are a few that we like: When Sheep Sleep is a charming book written by Laura Numeroff and provides a lot of different things for your little one to count from the … Continue reading

Does Television Cause Autism in Infants and Toddlers?

We are still very much in the dark about what causes autism, and why the number of cases of children diagnosed with this puzzling disorder continues to rise. New theories are being suggested, including the idea that television viewing by babies and toddlers under the age of three somehow triggers autism spectrum disorders in children who have a genetic predisposition. A New Theory It seems like a ridiculous hypothesis, but professors at Cornell and Purdue University are suggesting there’s a link to early television viewing and autism. Professor Michael Waldman and Sean Nicholson of Cornell University, and Nodir Adilov of … Continue reading

Are You Uncomfortable Being Frugal?

Whenever a lot of money is being spent, I tend to be uncomfortable, even if I am not the one doing the spending. Just hearing about lavish consumption kind of creeps me out. I keep wondering about the mortgage on the friend of a friend’s McMansion or how I could apply the cost of someone’s lavish vacation to building up our retirement fund. I don’t know how to react when friends give their toddlers spa days or I am invited to jewelry parties, or when the suggested contribution to the teacher’s or pastor’s gift is three figures (nothing against our … Continue reading

Benefits of Shopping the Easter Clearance Deals

Head to your favorite stores the day after to get some great Easter clearance deals. The bargains are so good that I know one mom who puts off the Easter baskets and the egg hunts until after Easter, just so she doesn’t have to pay full price. Smart lady. Many stores start there Easter clearance on Monday, the day after Easter, with bargains from 50 to 90 percent off. Don’t wait long, though, because these clearance sales, especially for popular stores such as Target, are very popular. Zone in on the candy first, and freeze it for later use. You … Continue reading