Gifts for First Time Moms

Do you have a first time mom on your Christmas list this year? Perhaps the following list will help you select a gift she will love this year. eMealz: eMealz is a site that does everything but go grocery shopping for you. You pick a meal plan that suits your family’s needs. You can pick by family size, store of choice or diet. Then you simply print out the sheet of meals and recipes along with a complete shopping list for dinner for the whole week. The recipes are easy to prepare and use items that will stick to your … Continue reading

Gifts for Baby’s First Christmas

Are you searching for the perfect gift for your baby this Christmas? Here is a list of the most popular baby toys this year. Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes: Babies love music. Keep your baby happy listening to music while on car rides, grocery shopping, or in waiting rooms. Your baby will enjoy the colorful lights that dance across the screen while the music plays. It is easy to hold and has a switch for volume control. Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Baby’s First Blocks: No lights. No sounds. No batteries. This toy is a classic and one that every baby loves. … Continue reading

Gift Idea: HABA Sorter Box

When it comes to toys I am old school. I love the wooden toys that inspire a sense of nostalgia. Yes, I love gadgets and technology and implore its use in my life and the lives of my children. I never think technology should come before creativity or individuality. Technology should work for you and not take you into bondage. It is so easy to allow a nifty new gadget or lights and sounds toy to do all the thinking for you, but is that our goal? Is the goal to be entertained or to explore? Should we keep busy … Continue reading

Mommy Confessions: The Tired Terrible Truth

Motherhood is pure bliss. Like the warm of hot chocolate on a cold morning a baby’s little arms warm your heart. The joy is overwhelming as you prance off with your perfect quiet baby to the park and shopping. Once the day is over you lay your angel down in her crib for her drift off to sleep. Then you head into the living room for a cup of tea and to settle down with your favorite book. Finally you wake up from your dream to a crying fussy teething baby. While motherhood is joyous it is not without its … Continue reading

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression

After giving birth a woman goes through a myriad of emotions. The drop in hormones at such a rapid rate after giving birth can trigger feelings of depression. It is not uncommon for a woman to go through many emotional changes as she encounters the changes in her life a baby brings. Some women feel unattractive, some are still experiencing pain or had difficult births, and some may have relationship problems which can contribute to feelings of depression. For many these feelings subside yet others experience a more serious depression called postpartum depression. What are the differences? Baby Blues The … Continue reading