Tips for Getting Toddlers to Eat Veggies

Toddlers can be very fussy at times, especially when it comes to food. This can pose a problem for parents who want their picky toddlers to eat healthy vegetables. Here are some tips for getting toddlers to eat veggies. An interesting study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study found that toddlers make decisions on what foods to eat, and what foods to avoid, based on social cues. In other words, if everyone else is avoiding the veggies – your toddler will do the same. On the other hand, if your toddler sees that … Continue reading

Life With A Typical Toddler

The other day I saw a hilarious e-card on Facebook. Well, it would have been hilarious if it weren’t so eerily true. It said something like “All these stay at home moms are on Pinterest making their own soap and reindeer shaped treats, and I’m over here like hey, I took a shower and kept the kids alive”. I am not sure how long I have felt this way, but I know that it goes back even to before my second son was born. Some days I manage to get a few things done, but much of the time I … Continue reading

Toddler Diaper Rash

One of the challenges that toddlers and their parents navigate as they grow is potty learning. A couple of months ago, Dylan decided that it was his time to graduate to big boy underwear. He did great for a few weeks, even on a six hour long car ride to Maine. For some reason, he then decided to abandon his undies and go back to diapers. When Dylan changed direction and went back to wearing diapers it confused me, so I did a little research on potty learning and regression. I learned that sometimes, toddlers will master using the potty, … Continue reading

Last Minute Costume Ideas For Toddlers

Did you just look at the calendar and have a minor meltdown because Halloween is a week away? Parents of toddlers are busy, and sometimes things like buying or making Halloween costumes fall by the wayside as we try to take care of the necessities each day before we run out of time and energy. Fortunately, there are a few quick and inexpensive costumes that you can whip up in no time so that your little monsters won’t miss any Halloween fun. If your child has a rain coat and rain boots, you are on your way to making a … Continue reading

Planning A Toddler Birthday Party

With about a month until Dylan turns three, it is time for me to put on my party planning hat and dream up the details of a special day for him. He has been very interested in trucks and construction vehicles lately, so I am sure that our theme will be something along those lines. Having already planned two birthday parties, I have learned that a few simple guidelines are helpful for parents of young children who are planning a birthday bash. My first tip for planning a party for a young child is to keep it small. Of course … Continue reading

Getting Road Trip Ready

I just realized today that in just a couple of weeks, my husband, the boys, my parents, and I are going to embark on the biggest adventure that we as a family have ever had. In the past, I have pretty much been a seat of the pants type of girl when it comes to travel. I am not sure if that is such a wise approach to take on a road trip from Vermont to Florida that involves four adults and two kids, so I am beginning to do a little bit of planning. There once was a time … Continue reading

Have A Happy Halloween With Your Toddler

Halloween is just around the corner, and for the parents of toddlers it can be both a very fun and a very challenging holiday to navigate. Getting your little guy or girl into a costume is not likely to be much of a battle because most toddlers love to play “dress up”. If you want, you can even get into the act with a compatible costume for yourself. Your toddler is sure to love seeing Mommy, Daddy, or both “playing dress up” too. This year, Dylan has decided that he would like to be a fireman. He already has his … Continue reading

Easy Tasty Healthy Toddler Snacks

Sometimes it can be hard to get toddlers to eat anything, let alone things that are good for their growing minds and bodies. They are busy little people who often prefer to remain engrossed in whatever activity they happen to be engrossed in at the time instead of sitting down and clearing a plate of whatever nutritious meal you have just lovingly prepared for them. Fortunately, hunger does eventually overcome the excitement of play and your little one is likely to rush to your side and demand to be fed. Right. Now. With a little advance planning, you can make … Continue reading

More Toddler Discipline Part II

It should have been no real surprise when using time outs to discipline my son became more or less ineffective. Even though I explained to him before and after each time out why he was in time out and what he needed to do to avoid time outs in the future, they were not getting the job done. Something had to change and it did. We transitioned to the concept of consequences for our actions. Bad behavior earned an undesirable consequence and good behavior reaped desirable consequences. He received the same kind of warnings for bad behavior but I also … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Drink Too Much Juice?

I have yet to meet a toddler who does not like juice. Juice tastes sweet and it is refreshing when one is thirsty from playing hard. Toddlers often ask for juice, and many parents are happy to provide it. After all it’s juice, and juice comes from fruit, right? It turns out that juice is not as great of a beverage option for your toddler as many of us thought. Many drinks that are labeled as juice contain added sugar and artificial coloring, and those are not good things for toddlers to be consuming. While a cup of diluted, 100 … Continue reading