Natural Gas Drilling: Safe or Not

I will be the first to admit that I don’t know a lot about how we get our energy. I don’t give much thought to what goes on behind the scenes to light my house, power my television, heat my stove, or cool my house. But, in writing this green blog, I must do a lot of eye-opening research. Today, I stumbled across an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about drilling for natural gas. Specifically, the article focused on a coloring book to teach children about natural gas drilling. The coloring book features a cute little dinosaur called Terry, a … Continue reading

Gas Leak

We had a pretty scary experience this past week. We had been out with friends for the entire evening, and came home about 10:00pm. The second I entered the hallway of our apartment building, I smelled major natural gas. It was pretty strong. I unlocked the door to our apartment, opened it, and the smell became about ten times stronger. “The gas is coming from our apartment, honey,” I said to my husband. He went inside, and discovered that a burner on our gas stove was leaking gas. I immediately freaked out. The first thing that went through my head … Continue reading

What is Gastric Banding?

I told you yesterday that I would discuss gastric banding later in the day, I need to stop using that phrase. Every time I do, it turns out I don’t discuss it until the next day! So you have my apologies for the delay. So as mentioned in Weight Loss News Bites yesterday, gastric banding seems to be gaining popularity as a less invasive surgical procedure for individuals who are only moderately obese. So What Is Gastric Banding? Gastric banding is a surgery that restricts the size of a person’s stomach so they need only consume small amounts of food … Continue reading

Stretch Your Thanksgiving Travel Dollar

According to, more than 35 percent of Americans will be traveling during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Of the people who are planning to leave town, more than one-third will fly, despite the sluggish economy and higher airfares. The remainder of travelers will take to the roads or the rails to get to grandma’s house for turkey and pie. With millions of people getting ready to hit the highways to drive 500 miles or more during the holiday weekend, gas prices will be an issue. In addition, you will have to factor in hotel costs, especially if you can’t stomach … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Hurricane Sandy: Essentials to Have on Hand

Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the US East Coast today, and it’s likely to move inland, sweeping up toward Canada over the next 72 hours. There’s a huge population in the storm’s path. While many have been evacuated, others will be riding out the storm at home. What should you have in your home to prepare? Store enough water for at least 72 hours, as you may be without potable water for that long. If you don’t have stored water on hand, place tap water into temporary containers such as lined bins and bottles. Check to make sure that … Continue reading

Who Needs a Handyman?

When I became a single parent I quickly learned just how many things I didn’t know how to fix around the house. I’ve had to call my dad far too many times to come and rescue me from my lack of handiness around the house. In less than two years we’ve gone through three DVD players simply because I didn’t know how to fix them. I’ve been stranded in the middle of the highway on more than one occasion and had to call my poor father to save me yet again because frankly beyond putting gas in it I know … Continue reading

Prince Harry Adds to a Long Line of Royal Scandals – Part 2

Earlier in the week, I blogged about Prince Harry and his recent naked in Vegas photo scandal. Reports are surfacing that the royal family is still behind the young prince and why not? There have been royal scandals in England for quite some time now. Here are a few that might put Harry’s antics to shame: King Edward VIII abdicated the thrown to marry Wallis Simpson. Not only was she American, but she had been divorced – twice – and it was later revealed she was a Nazi sympathizer. Harry’s aunt, Princess Anne, was married to Mark Phillips. That in … Continue reading

Homeowners Insurance Won’t Cover Damages From Dead Birds

There are specific types of things that a homeowners insurance policy will cover. Problems arise when a person files a claim for damages that come from unlikely, or unusual, sources. A couple in Texas learned that their homeowners insurance won’t cover damages done by dead birds. A homeowners insurance policy is designed to give you some financial protection in case certain types of damages happen to your home, garage, driveway, or the contents of your home. It also can provide some financial assistance if someone comes to your home and gets injured. (That part would be covered if your policy … Continue reading

Most Frightening Disney Moments

In honor of my favorite holiday I’m going to look at the scariest moments in Disney movies. I’m not as well-versed in all of their live action flicks, so I’ll limit my focus to the animated features. The first movie that immediately popped into my head was “Pinocchio.” Believe it or not, it wasn’t the mammoth Monstro that most frightened me. It was anything to do with Pleasure Island, particularly the donkey transformations. Even at my young age I sensed something sinister about the crowds of boys pushing and scrabbling at one another to get at the attractions on Pleasure … Continue reading

Vacations That Pay

I once took a vacation to Northern California, and ended up in a roach-infested hotel room with a leaky faucet. Due to an unexpected flight delay, I couldn’t switch rooms because the property was booked solid (despite the pest problem) and I was the last guest to check in that night (technically it was two in the morning). The rest of the trip pretty much mirrored my dismal lodging experience and I vowed that I would never return to the tiny town… even if I were paid to do so. Most people don’t get handed pre-paid vacations these days; however, … Continue reading