Do You Have a Navigation System in Your Car?

In 2008 we traded in our Chevrolet Silverado and Nissan Sentra on a new Ford Escape lease. We shopped a lot of cars and drove many. The Escape fit our needs at the time and was within our price range. We ended up with a lot of extras I wasn’t expecting because they were on the car in the color we wanted that was in inventory. They were not all the options that I would have liked, however. One of the dealers we visited was offering a free navigation system with purchase. We hadn’t had navigation in our cars and … Continue reading

Keep Toddlers In Rear-Facing Carseats

The news came out today that the official recommendations for child safety seat use were updated. The news wasn’t news to me, however. I had been telling people about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for years. The child safety seat law is that children must remain rear facing to one year old and twenty pounds. The AAP recommends that children remain rear facing to the weight/height limit of the seat or at least until age two. We all know how soft a baby’s skull is. Baby’s skull has an official soft spot on top too. I don’t know that … Continue reading

New Car Seat Guidelines

I was watching the Today show this morning when I heard that the American Academy of Pediatrics had changed their regulations for child car seat safety. With two children still in car seats, I was listening with all ears. The most surprising is their recommendation to keep your child rear-facing in their car seat until the age of two. Additional changes were that kids should remain in a booster until reaching at least 4 ft. 9 inches in height. This could happen anywhere between the ages of 8 and 12 years of age. Also, do not put your child in … Continue reading

The Empty Car Seat

Recently I experienced the pain of an empty car seat. Since I’ve been taking care of our son during the days we’ve been constant companions in and out of the car during the day. I’ve found myself constantly flipping the rear view mirror down or up to check on him when we’re stopped at a light or stop sign. He is my car buddy and it is comforting to know that he is there. Recently my wife went to a baby shower for one of her close friends and she wanted to take our rambunctious child along for the ride. … Continue reading

Britax Frontier 85

My moms’ group is the most incredible organization. We’re not a typical moms’ group with play dates. This moms’ group is all about events. For instance, this Thursday I’m going to the Best Toys for the Holidays event dinner. This is a mom’s night out event and the children get to stay home. Last year I brought home a pink bouncy dog for Jessie. This year one lucky mom is going to take home the Fisher-Price Bigfoot. I’m hoping to have a good enough number in the raffle to take home the Fisher-Price iXL, the Leapster Explorer or My Own … Continue reading

Can You Have Too Many Car Seats?

Car accidents are the number one killer of small children, though safety seat use has helped a lot. I am passionate about car seat safety. Using car seats properly and appropriately is a relatively easy and painless step to take to try to keep our children as safe as possible. I wish that more people would research car seat safety and keep their children rear facing as long as possible. Convertible car seats have high rear facing weight limits in an attempt to keep children in the safest position. Unfortunately, too many parents think that turning their children forward facing … Continue reading

Soft Baby Carrier Feature: The Ergo and the Beco Baby Carriers

I still have my Ergo baby carrier. It sits in a place of honor that doesn’t seem to be such an honorable place. It’s in a Rubbermaid box in the basement of my house. The box houses those baby items of my daughter’s that are so important to me that I am going to make them into a quilt one day. Or so the plan goes. Whether the quilt ever materializes is another question, but the fact is that the Ergo was an essential part of my early parenting. I have memories of putting the Ergo on my back in … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With the Rear-Facing Position?

Earlier this year the American Academy of Pediatrics debuted a new safety campaign, which recommended that young children should ride rear-facing in a car safety seat up to their second birthday. Five months later, parents with toddlers and babies are still upset with the AAP for issuing what some call, “unnecessary” recommendations. Huh? Why get mad at an organization that’s trying to preserve the health and well being of your child? New research indicates that toddlers are more than five times safer riding rear-facing in a car safety seat until they have reached the maximum height and weight recommended for … Continue reading

Car Seats Put Infants at Risk for SIDS?

I have to say right off the bat that my title for this is misleading. (But truth be told, I couldn’t think of an appropriately short title. . .) So here is my disclaimer: you should always put your infant in a car seat while driving. Car seats in and of themselves are not dangerous. But new research suggests you might want to avoid long errands out and make sure your seat is fitted properly to your vehicle when your infant is young. A study, done in a university in Canada reconstructed the unexpected deaths of approximately 500 infants over … Continue reading

Front Facing Car Seat – When?

The front facing car seat is a question many mothers struggle with as their infants develop and become toddlers. It’s hard enough to keep the baby happy in the car when they are no longer going to sleep in it. It can be even tougher on them when they can’t see Mom. The question to ask is when is it best to turn the seat from rear-facing to front-facing. Many parents do it when the baby is about a year old. On the other hand, research now shows that it is better to wait for your baby to achieve a … Continue reading