Baby Blog Week in Review: Aug 27 to Sep 2

I have to admit that the baby blog has been very light this week. Some of you may already know from reading my other blogs but I had jury duty. Being gone from the house for almost 8 hours for three days and then returning home to cook, and recover the living room from the formidable dad/kids mess making force caused my writing to take a back seat. Suffice it to say that I think if I had to work outside of the home, my mental health would be in serious jeopardy! In any case, we still had great articles–just … Continue reading

Baby Cradling and the Super Duper Multi Tasking Mom

Researchers said this past Wednesday, that how you cradle your baby might indicate how stressed and prone to post partum depression you are. Apparently mothers who cradle with their right hands are more likely to become depressed, feel stress or otherwise exhibit anxiety symptoms. The conclusion seems to be the same irregardless of whether or not the women are right or left handed. I have to point out first though they only surveyed 76 women. While technically this qualifies as ‘statistically significant’, I frankly won’t believe it until I see the study repeated with more women and also a control … Continue reading

From the Mouths of Babes: How You Get a Baby

I could also entitle this blog: Why You Should be Careful What You Tell Older Siblings About the New Baby. . . In case you’re wondering, I now have step by step instructions on how to get a baby. I have accompanying illustrations but I’m not going to post those because the crayon with which they were drawn, does not show up well on the scanner. But for any of you who may have been confused on the matter, my 8yo daughter has broken down having a baby into several simple steps. This morning she is teaching Laura, one of … Continue reading

Friday Baby Funnies: Fun Advice for Babies

Good evening and Happy Friday to you and yours. I’m a bit late diving into the baby blog today, but I didn’t want you to think that I’d forgotten about the need for humor and baby fun on Friday. So without further ado, here is some Friday Fun Advice for Babies: Should you have a baby after 35? Consider that 35 babies is enough! The most reliable method for determining a baby’s sex is childbirth When you’re pregnant, when will your baby move? For most parents, they’ll have great luck if he or she moves after college Childbirth instructors describe … Continue reading

Funny Baby – Friday Baby Funnies

As parents, it’s important that we learn to laugh and that we enjoy ourselves. There are days when what we do may seem thankless and there are others when what we do seems boundless. Humor keeps us going through the hard times and gives us a boost when we need it most. So here are a few baby funnies to brighten your Friday and give you a boost: Daddy Tales A first-time father was taking a turn at feeding the baby some strained peas. Naturally, there were traces of the food everywhere, especially on the infant. His wife comes in, … Continue reading

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I love getting humorous emails – especially those that offer jokes, insights or other amusements that don’t require a lot of thoughts. The one benefit of the Internet is that you get so many of these dopey emails with their one-liners and more. So what does that have to do with babies? Well, first thing this morning – I woke up to this little gem in my email box and I wanted to share it, because when it comes to speaking parentese – we’re all still learning the terms. FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when a baby doesn’t appreciate the mashed … Continue reading

Coping with Anger as a Parent

The baby is teething, your preschooler is throwing the temper tantrum of the century, and your six year old is boycotting homework since you won’t let him play his favorite video game. You feel your blood pressure rising, you’re ready to pull your hair out, and snap! We’ve all had those days when we’ve lost our temper with our kids. You feel so completely out of control and it feels like nothing you do makes a difference. Within a few minutes you feel terribly guilty and then without fail the cycle starts all over again. Kids are great at pushing … Continue reading

It’s Broken

One of the things that constantly fascinates me about having a child is being able to watch them and sort of see how they learn things. Children progress at a very fast rate. It is as if their only job is learning (they’re not consumers yet). Recently our son has been learning about everything: fans, batteries, computers, door handles, toilets, light switches, toasters, real glass glasses, keyboards, guitars, and a whole host of other items. In watching him learn how these things worked I never quite expected (and this was short-sighted of me) for him to eventually have such a … Continue reading