The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Small Sibling Age Gap

If you are thinking about conceiving a sibling for your child(ren), chances are you’ve wondered what the best time to do it is. It’s not a bad idea to take into consideration the age gap between siblings, for reasons such as rivalry and how the kids will relate to each other. I asked a group of wise mothers, all of whom have different ranges of years between siblings, what they thought were the best reasons for having a SMALL sibling gap. Here’s a breakdown of what they told me: TEN: Sibling Bonding If you have children who are close enough … Continue reading

Nursing Nuisances: Mastitis

Hopefully, you began to breastfeed right after you gave birth (like all the books say you should), and your baby popped right on (like many of the books seem to imply they will), and thus the beautiful nursing relationship began and you and your baby lived happily ever after. But the reality is that breastfeeding, while natural, doesn’t always come naturally. There are bumps and hills along the way. One of the bigger “bumps” is mastitis. Not everyone that nurses gets mastitis and not every pain in the breast is mastitis. Mastitis is generally preceded by an unresolved plugged duct. … Continue reading

Five Ways to Make Nursing Easier

As if we can’t come up with more information on nursing and making it easier. Let’s talk about some things that can definitely make your life an easier place to be when you are nursing and on the go as most moms are. Braless is hardly a comfortable option, but nursing bras can be darn hard to snap and unsnap one handed. Check out a bra that has snaps so you don’t have to worry about eyelets or hooks Invest in some cover-ups so that you can nurse anytime, anywhere. While your modesty isn’t always an issue, it can be … Continue reading