It’s Always About Bedtime

Are you a strict parent or a lenient parent? Do you parent differently single than you did as part of a couple? I think so many things change when you get divorced it’s hard to know what to do. When I was first divorced I tried to figure out how to parent Hailey, I wasn’t sure if the way I had parented her up to that point had been what I really wanted or what I felt like I had to do. While I was trying to figure that out, guilt made me lenient. I let Hailey pretty much decide … Continue reading

How to Help Your Kids Fall Asleep

Sleep is important. We all know what it feels like to have to get up and start the day after not having enough sleep. Before parents can turn in for the night they need to make sure their children are asleep. What can you do if your child is resisting bedtime or getting up at night? Here are some ideas that could help your kids to fall asleep. How much sleep do kids really need? The National Sleep Foundation has some recommendations that are based upon the age of the person. Adults need less sleep than children and babies do. … Continue reading

Handling Sibling Jealousy

Bringing home a new baby is a joy for the parents. For siblings this new arrival may not be cause for tears of joy but tears of frustration. During this time siblings can feel replaced, left out, and alone. Despite the parents best efforts to make their older child feel loved the child may be jealous of all the time spent with the new baby. Many times feelings of jealously come later on after the novelty of the new baby wears off for the sibling. A delayed feeling of jealously is not uncommon as the baby grows to even a … Continue reading

Our Night in the Hotel

The day that we met our soon to be sons’ was one of the best days of our lives. We played games, had snacks and got acquainted with our new kids. We had a chance to talk to the foster parents to see what they liked and did not, their schedules etc. It was almost like we were getting ready to babysit 2 kids and their parents were telling us the rules. When it came time for the older child to go back to his foster home we packed up the 14 month old and took him back to the … Continue reading

My House, My Rules

Is it just me or did all of your house rules seem to change when you got divorced? First, I have to admit I was never a real stickler about things like bedtime, mostly because my daughter is a night owl and you really cannot force a child to sleep. Once I was divorced I never felt like I had to enforce a bedtime. In many ways my daughter regressed. For the first year after the divorce she slept with me, something her father and I had finally managed to stop just a few months prior to the divorce. I … Continue reading

Are Sleep Aids Safe?

Do you rely on sleep aids to help you sleep? You might be wondering if sleep aids are safe. I will readily admit that I depend on them on a weekly basis. Most of the time I feel sleep-deprived, some of that is brought on by me and some of that is due to my body going through changes. Getting up early everyday and not getting adequate sleep at night can make for challenging days so I do look forward to Friday night when I can take a sleep aid and get a solid night of sleep. This also allows … Continue reading