Elimination Communication With Older Babies

In a previous blog, I discussed the concept of elimination communication. Elimination Communication or EC is a way of learning your baby’s signals so that you can take him to the bathroom when he needs to go. It’s much more comfortable than diapers, and it involves a lot less laundry and expense. You also avoid many of the toilet training trials of the twos! However, hands up – who felt a wee bit overwhelmed with the very presence of their first child (or subsequent additions), let alone with the idea of taking this new being to the potty. Ok, probably … Continue reading

When You Can’t Stand To Change One More Diaper

Imagine yourself standing before the changing table. Your baby squirms and coos. It is a familiar routine for the both of you. You could probably change a diaper in your sleep; you’ve done it so many times. Now picture yourself standing in front of the same changing table. Your baby is now a toddler, squirming and threatening to grab his bottom, which is covered in the most putrid, foul smelling poop you have come across yet, thanks to his overindulgence in grapes yesterday. Cleaning him up is far from easy because he is determined to get up and run away. … Continue reading