How Many Children Are In Your Family?

The average number of children in an American family has changed over the years. This is due to many different factors. Right now, the average number is .94 (in other words, less than one child per family). Some families, like the Duggars, don’t match the current average. The average number of children in an American family is something that has changed over time. This is due to many different factors. In 1960, contraception became available for the first time. This allowed women to have some control over when they would start a family, and it also allowed them to space … Continue reading

Hating on the Duggars

I noticed quite a bit of buzz on the internet today about the Duggar family’s latest news. They are expecting baby number 19, who will be younger that his or her first nephew. I found the news interesting due to the fact that Michelle Duggar is still alive after giving birth to that many babies. Seriously, my uterus pretty much fell out after the second child. I don’t miss it. I love my kids, but I did not enjoy anything about pregnancy. I have to admit to being awed by this family who is seeming to do well regardless of … Continue reading

Duggar Family Has 18th Baby

By now you may be familiar with the Duggar Family, an Arkansas family with a large number of children. Today it was announced that Michelle Duggar just gave birth to her 18th child, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar. Little Jordyn weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was delivered by Cesarian. This family has a thing not only for having many kids (obviously) but also naming them with names that start with the letter J. In the family, there is Joshua, 20 and now married; Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, … Continue reading

Breastmilk Changes During Pregnancy

I was watching 18 Kids and Counting this week when Michelle Duggar announced that she is expecting baby #19. Though some say the family is crazy for wanting so many children, I embrace it with secret hopes that I may be able to have a large family myself someday. I would love to have a full house. I can’t say that I’m physically able to carry that many babies, but I’ll take as many as I can get. The reason I mention Michelle is she talked about discovering the pregnancy after noticing that baby Jordan was fussing a lot while … Continue reading

The Cost of Homeschooling VS The Cost of Public School

I was sent a link this morning for an article called Even government envious of homeschooling success. The article begins with the following: “Question: If Method 1 spends – on a national average – $10,000 per child annually, and Method 2 spends only $500 per child, but Method 2 delivers better academic results, which method is preferable? Fact: The average government school spends $10,000 per child per year, but its students scored 1.4 points lower than the family sponsored homeschooled child on the ACT, according to results from 2009.” As much as I want to side with homeschoolers in this … Continue reading

Celebrities Not the Only Ones Seeing Double

They aren’t exactly in the same league as Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lopez, but two sisters in Michigan are making headlines of their own since giving birth to daughters last week. Sarah Sweeter’s trip to visit her pregnant sister in Homer, Michigan was made even sweeter last week when she got to join her sibling in the delivery room to witness her niece being born. Only that wouldn’t be the highlight of Sweeter’s day. Less than 13 hours after Sweeter watched her sister Deborah Lewis give birth, she went into labor and delivered her own daughter. Members of the hospital … Continue reading