Postpartum Woes-Getting Your Groove Back

When I was struggling during the first few weeks and months of my little one’s life, it seemed so hard. In fact, it seemed that all of the tummy issues he had and lack of sleep was just too much for me to handle. I felt like I would never be back to my normal self now that I had three kids to take care of. I felt overwhelmed, tired, and in a fog. I had several friends say to me, “Oh, don’t worry, you will get back into the groove of motherhood in no time”. While, it didn’t happen … Continue reading

What To Do If Your Toddler Acts Like A Baby

Did you know that toddlers sometimes regress and act like babies even if there is not an actual baby around the house? Whether the regression in your toddler’s behavior is due to the arrival of a sibling, a major change like a move, starting preschool or day care, a divorce, or even just simply feeling overwhelmed by being a big boy or a big girl it is perfectly normal. It is also okay for you to play along and baby your toddler by letting him or her drink water from a bottle, snuggle on your lap, have extra hugs and … Continue reading

Watching Baby Sleep

Do you ever watch your baby sleep? I do. I’m sure most moms do. If you don’t, then you are missing out! I can’t help but have my heart melt when I look at his little cherub face asleep. I love watching his face expressions, and listening to him breathe. I especially love watching him suck in his sleep. When babies are sleeping, it seems as if all the problems go away. It is a time that you can sit there and enjoy your baby’s calmness (if you are not trying to get some sleep yourself). This past week has … Continue reading

When Baby Won’t Take A Bottle

My latest frustration in dealing with my little guy’s tummy troubles has been since we have tried to introduce a bottle. I never thought a four-month-old could be so stubborn. But, my little guy is. He wants nothing to do with a bottle. There was one occasion where I went out and my husband fed him breastmilk with a bottle. He took it right away, and had no problems. But, now, we are trying to supplement with formula due to the fact that we can’t seem to figure out what it is that I’m eating that is causing his tummy … Continue reading

Your Baby Wants You!

There is always a recurring theme in my blogging it seems. I am a Mom. And, I often feel inadequate. Today has been one of those days. I woke up super grouchy due to my baby waking me at 4:15 am, the toddler waking me at 5:45 am, and my “big girl” waking me up at 6:45 am. Needless to say, I was not happy with anyone. I managed to get my girl out the door to Kindergarten and gave her a big hug before she left and told her I loved her. I hope she remembers that instead of … Continue reading

DIY Baby Proofing

Our baby just turned 7 months old today, and she’s getting eager to be on the go. When we put her on her tummy, she’s kicking, reaching, and wiggling. She can’t move forwards yet, but she can scoot backwards, and turn her body in circles. Our living room furniture faces the TV. When I see what’s underneath the TV stand and think about the fact that our sweetie may soon be crawling, I shudder. Lurking under the TV stand are piles and tangles of electric cords. They include cords that plug the TV into the wall, cords that connect the … Continue reading

Daycare Day 1: Morning

The morning came particularly quickly on my son’s first day of daycare. Despite my wife’s best efforts to have everything neatly organized in bags near the door the morning still felt rushed, uncomfortable, and different. I had a little talk with my son. As a father I felt it was my duty to tell him that today was going to be different. I told him that we weren’t abandoning him and that his mom was going to check in on him at lunchtime and pick him up early. I told him that he would be with other babies and some … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Hate Tummy Time?

I’ve heard a lot of moms complain about their babies pitching a fit when placed on their stomachs for “tummy time.” Tummy time is an important part of learning the skills needed to crawl, and crawling is a crucial stage in development. Not enough tummy time can lead to early motor delays, so it’s no wonder moms begin to worry when their babies refuse to play on their tummies. First of all, keep in mind that your baby should only need to be on his tummy for an hour a day (and not all at once) by the time he … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: A Toddler’s Proper Place on the Weight Charts

Question: My youngest is one and starting to lose ground on the charts. All of my kids went through this when they started becoming very active and I night weaned. My ped wants me to stop breastfeeding and put him on whole milk. I want to continue to breastfeed. I’ve been giving him baby yogurt, ice cream (he hates it), avocado (he hates it) cookies and other junk food to get the calories in. Any other suggestions? Ah. . .doctors and their lack of knowledge on breastfeeding coupled with their attachment to those charts = a dangerous combination. To put … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading