Chill Out When The Crying Won’t Stop

It seems my baby blogs have had an underlying theme lately. Crying. But, it’s a part of our lives right now with an almost 4-month-old who seems to want control. Last night and today have been stressful. I’m sick, which doesn’t help matters, and little sweet baby boy decided he didn’t want to sleep last night. So, I thought today, I would surely get in some breaks while he napped, but so far, the crying and fussiness abound, and it’s been easy to get frustrated. But, it’s important that you don’t lose your cool when you have a baby that … Continue reading

Co Sleeping with Baby Number One Part II

With more confidence in co sleeping (although I had more experience with the co than the sleeping bit… I was one tired mommy), I figured that it was time to try nursing in the side laying position. Once the breastfeeding pain had largely diminished and when my son was more sturdy (around three or four weeks). We ventured into the wonderful world of baby nursing while mommy can fall asleep in a more comfortable position (laying down instead of sitting up). This worked well and I was finally getting some sleep without having to get out of bed or sit … Continue reading

Hip Pain and Sleep

I had the worst hip pain during my pregnancy. It got so bad, that at one point, I couldn’t leave the house. Whenever I walked, I could hear this clicking sound that felt like it was coming from the center of my pelvic bones. It was really hard to cope. The worst part about it was trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. It was nearly impossible. I finally found a few tricks that helped alleviate the pain enough to get some rest. The first trick I tried, which worked until I got too big to maneuver the … Continue reading

Crying to Sleep: It Worked

For a couple of weeks, naptime and bedtime were a bit of a challenge with my baby. She wasn’t falling asleep easily on her own like she used to, but she also wasn’t falling asleep while being rocked or held very easily either. One day I was at my wit’s end and decide it would be alright if she cried for a little while before falling asleep, as long as the crying didn’t get out of hand. She cried softly on and off for about 15 minutes before drifting off to sleep. I tried the same thing the next naptime, … Continue reading

Adventures in Sleep Training (Day 1)

At 8:18pm my husband put our overtired baby in his crib. It’s 8:35, and he’s still crying intermittently. Over the past few weeks, our nearly five-month-old son has clearly transformed from an infant with regular naps to a baby who wants nothing more than to play all day. Gone are the days when he would fall asleep whenever he needed to, wherever he happened to be. It’s been chaotic! I’ve never been one to believe in the “cry-it-out” method, so this is hard for me, but seeing my baby so tired all day is even harder. The poor thing needs … Continue reading

Chasing House Flies

On the surface I had a lovely afternoon yesterday. I returned from a good time volunteering with friends at a local museum and spent a productive afternoon finishing a lot of work. That’s just the surface story. In reality as the hours of the afternoon waned I was driven crazier and crazier, as a headache crept further and further into my skull. And it’s all my pets’ fault. Well, just Chihiro and Cole. What did they do that made me insane? They chased house flies. I don’t know how so many flies got into my house, but there must have … Continue reading

Attachment Parenting: My View

Dr. Sears said that attachment parenting is natural. He went on to say that if a parent were on a desert island and had no parenting knowledge then attachment parenting would be the road that parent would naturally head down. I completely agree. Let me start off by saying that I did not practice attachment parenting to the letter. I will say that if I had a baby again, I would implement more attachment parenting into my parenting style. My expertise with attachment parenting extends to breastfeeding up to 15 months, co-sleeping here and there, using a sling, feeding on … Continue reading

Swaddle Your Baby

For me, a swaddling blanket was a lifesaver with my first child. My brother and his wife gave us the Miracle Blanket when we had our first child, and it did work like a miracle!! I would recommend that baby product to anyone. I tried swaddling with just your run of the mill receiving blanket, and never really got the hang of it. The Miracle Blanket, and other blankets like it worked perfectly to take all the guess work out of swaddling. Sometimes, I worried that I was swaddling her too tight, but my doctor told me that there was … Continue reading

The Slow Breakdown

When we hear that a person has had a “nervous breakdown” we might imagine all sorts of things if we do not have a personal experience with the condition or no contact with a friend or family member who has. What happens? Does a person go berserk, sit crying for hours, rock, sit or lie in a semi-catatonic state staring at the ceiling, refusing to communicate or eat or sleep or sleep too much ? What usually happens, unless there is a sudden trauma which has the potential to spark off another type of disorder entirely (see post traumatic stress … Continue reading

Visitors = No Naps?

Does your baby’s nap schedule change when you have visitors? I’m not talking about the inevitable excitement that your baby experiences when new faces are in the house. A baby is bound to be a little more wound up and restless than normal when new people are around. I’m talking about purposely changing a baby’s nap routine so that the baby is awake as much as possible when the guests are over. When our baby was little, she slept just as well, if not better, in someone’s arms as she did in her crib. Having visitors over made almost no … Continue reading