Crying It Out vs Crying To Sleep

Crying it out and crying to sleep: is there a difference? To me, there is. My interpretation of these phrases probably won’t match every other parent’s interpretation, but I’m going to tell you about it all the same. To begin with, I am not a supporter of the “cry it out” method. I never have been, and I don’t think I ever will be. Sure, there are times when I am really tired, feel like I have no patience left, and put my daughter in her crib, thinking, “I don’t care how long she cries – she’s staying in there … Continue reading

Tips for Salvaging a Rough Morning

Not every day starts out bright and filled with sunshine. There are going to be some days when kids wake up “on the wrong side of the bed” and are grumpy. Fortunately, there are some things that parents can do to salvage a rough morning – and prevent it from spoiling the rest of the day. Rachel Macy Stafford wrote a piece for Huffington Post Parents called “10 Ways to Salvage a Bad Morning Before Parting Ways”. In it, she has listed 10 ways that a parent can influence a grumpy child to change his or her mood and have … Continue reading

To Pacify or Not to Pacify. That is the Question.

I’ve blogged before about how my first child was/is a thumb sucker, and my second loved his pacifier, but finally kicked the habit, and now we have my third that I feel we are at a crossroads with. You see,  he hasn’t been a great sleeper because of his tummy issues. We’ve always felt the need to continue night feedings with him. Well, now he is 14 months old, and starting to eat more, and it seems that he is fine going without food all night long. Sounds great, right? Well, my problem is that he seems to be getting more … Continue reading

Chasing House Flies

On the surface I had a lovely afternoon yesterday. I returned from a good time volunteering with friends at a local museum and spent a productive afternoon finishing a lot of work. That’s just the surface story. In reality as the hours of the afternoon waned I was driven crazier and crazier, as a headache crept further and further into my skull. And it’s all my pets’ fault. Well, just Chihiro and Cole. What did they do that made me insane? They chased house flies. I don’t know how so many flies got into my house, but there must have … Continue reading

Visitors = No Naps?

Does your baby’s nap schedule change when you have visitors? I’m not talking about the inevitable excitement that your baby experiences when new faces are in the house. A baby is bound to be a little more wound up and restless than normal when new people are around. I’m talking about purposely changing a baby’s nap routine so that the baby is awake as much as possible when the guests are over. When our baby was little, she slept just as well, if not better, in someone’s arms as she did in her crib. Having visitors over made almost no … Continue reading

The 7 Baby B’s of Attachment Parenting

New parents frequently approach attachment style parenting as a list of rules. Nurse on demand. Co-sleep with your infants. Don’t let them cry. Carry them in a sling. While there is definitely a list of parenting behaviors that can be categorized as “attachment style”, attachment parenting is anything but a set of rules. Each individual family must decide how best to meet their infant’s needs given their circumstances. But for those who are looking for a place to begin, a set of guidelines to start exploring in taking care of your infant, here is a list of Baby B’s, as … Continue reading

My Baby is Afraid of Day Care

Even the most social and outgoing of babies can get frightened or suffer from separation anxiety when their mother or father drops them off at the day care or even with the sitter. Don’t be surprised if your baby resists being left with the sitter (even one that is a relative) and that you and they know very well. It’s very normal and their fears are very real. There are lots of things you can do to help cope with this separation anxiety. You should start practicing these techniques while they are very young because they will serve you well … Continue reading

The Great Pacifier Debate

I was recently shocked to find that the AAP was encouraging the use of pacifiers while baby sleeps. It seems that the use of a pacifier while baby is sleeping helps reduce the risk of SIDS. Interestingly, they readily admit that there are some negatives to using a pacifier. Still, according to the AAP, the fact that the use of a pacifier lowers the risk of SIDS, outweighs the other possible negative effects of pacifier use. I may be bold, but I’m not so sure I agree with the AAP. I have tended to disagree on many of their positions … Continue reading