Who Are You, Really? The Reflection of Disconnect

When technology doesn’t work and we can’t do anything to fix it, we tap into feelings of anger and frustration, of being out of control of something we believe is vital to our well-being. When did we surrender that much power to inanimate objects, allowing them to wreak such havoc in our lives? It’s as if we really do want to believe in fairy tales and have decided technology is our surrogate happy ending. When we have our technology, we will live happily ever after. We have tied technology to personal happiness, which is unwise. Happiness in life should never … Continue reading

Daily Prioritizing

I don’t know if you are like me but there are many days where I feel like I will never be able to accomplish everything I have to do. In fact, there are too many days when that is exactly what happens. I end the day feeling like I have somehow failed because not everything on my mental “to-do” list was done. The problem is that we haven’t learned the importance of putting in place daily priorities. Instead we just take on this and that without considering whether it is doable. Do you feel like your home is oftentimes the … Continue reading

Remember, Babies are People Too

One of the hardest things to realize when you see your new baby is that they are so much more than a baby. They are just a teeny, tiny person. A person that has a personality, likes and dislikes, and traits that are all his own. With the birth of my third child, I have learned this even more. My 3rd looks a lot like my second. Since they are both boys, I find myself calling my 3rd by the name of my 2nd child. But, they are also alike in that they share similar problems with food sensitivities which … Continue reading

Time is Precious

I have a confession. I like to have my down time everyday to do absolutely nothing. If it is only for 15 minutes, I still feel happy. As a Mom to three kids, one of which is a 3 month old, my time is precious. It seems that every waking moment is spent holding a baby, changing a baby, or taking care of someone or something. There is not a lot of “free” time. But, I will go to great lengths to give myself one guilty pleasure everyday. I like to eat my lunch by myself in peace. Yep. I’m … Continue reading

The Trendy Mom & Baby

Today I had a post-partum check up and was waiting patiently for the doctor to come in. You know, half dressed, and praying that the baby would stay asleep in his car seat. I decided to pick up a parenting magazine I saw in the room and thumb through it while I was waiting. I won’t say which magazine it was, but I was shocked to find that this was like a people magazine, but for Moms. For example, every other page had a celebrity on it with their child. Of course, they were dressed to perfection in designer clothes. … Continue reading

Mommy Meddlers

This might appear as a vent session. In fact, I can almost guarantee it. But, I have to. I have three kids now, and my youngest is 11 weeks old. I have experienced Mommy meddling many times in having these three children. Yet, for some reason, it’s bugging me more and more the third time around. What am I talking about? I’m talking about people butting in on your parenting, or maybe, giving their two cents worth on something simple when you didn’t ask for it. I’m not talking about the meddling mother-in-law, or the very opinionated sister. No, I’m … Continue reading

How to Care for Your Garden Hose

Spring has sprung and you may now be ready to drag out your garden hose. From cleaning off outside furniture, to watering your lawn to gardening, a garden hose is one of those must have items that every homeowner needs. Unfortunately, too many of us will find that when we drag that hose out to use it in the spring or summer it will be useless. Proper care of your garden hose is important to extend its useful life and save you money on replacing it. We’ve been guilty in the past of not caring properly for our garden hose, … Continue reading

To Leave or Not to Leave

In the early years of our marriage, the threat of leaving became our default position in a distressing number of our fights. For me, the devastation of feeling totally misunderstood, my efforts unappreciated, and my actions unfairly judged left me thinking that there was only one way out, and that way was out the door. Over the years, however, I have come to understand a few things: 1) There is hardly ever just one way out; 2) If you are truly committed to the marriage, leaving is not an option; and, 3) Control is at the root of most conflict. … Continue reading

Unplug, Please

This is a plea to parents. We express concern at the way our children sink easily into the television. I know that my four-year-old does. We get worried about their interest in video or computer games and try to limit their exposure to violence in the digital media. Many of us try very hard to control our children’s media focus, but we neglect to do one thing. We forget to turn it off ourselves. The latest trend? We text during the times when we could be hanging out with our children, focused instead on scrolling down a tiny screen. Either … Continue reading

Are You The Same As You Were Before Marriage?

I only caught Part 2 of the Oprah “Why Men Cheat” controversy, but it’s sparking yet another blog. But instead of discussing why men cheat or how to affair-proof marriage, this time I’m going to talk about something else that was brought up as part of all this: behaving differently once married versus how you behaved prior to marriage. Behaviors During the show, Oprah defended M. Gary Neuman’s assessment that it made sense the husbands strayed because they weren’t getting something from their wives. Not that she was wagging her finger and saying, “Shame on you, you neglectful wives.” Quite … Continue reading