Why I Love Pocket Diapers

I have been cloth diapering my son since he was a little over a year old. I was always hesitant to start earlier because I thought washing was going to be a hassle. Now that I am in the thick of it, I realize it’s no big deal. Diapers are much easier to wash than normal clothes because there’s no sorting or folding involved. You definitely don’t have to worry about whether your cloth diapers are wrinkled, so it’s okay to just let them sit in the dryer for a while if you don’t have time to take them out. … Continue reading

There are HOW Many Kinds of Cloth Diapers?

After my husband and I made the decision to use cloth diapers, we undertook the daunting task of deciding which kind to use. The only kind of cloth diaper I’d ever seen or heard about were the good ol’ prefolds, fastened with diaper pins, and covered with plastic pants. I was ready to take on the task of rinsing poopy diapers in the toilet, learning how to pin without poking my baby, and wiping down the plastic pants with a washcloth, so they could be worn through multiple messes. There’s no doubt about it cloth diapering with prefolds is cheap. … Continue reading

How to Fold a Prefold Diaper

Cloth diapering has come a long way since our mothers diapered up in flat, cotton cloths, otherwise known as flats. Now, there is a whole array of cloth diapers out there, from the fancy all-in-ones with a waterproof shell to the simple prefold. The prefold diaper is quite similar to a flat, with a big exception: it has various thicknesses of lining in the middle. There are many ways to do baby origami, otherwise known as folding a prefold. Here is one of the most straightforward. To practice, you will need a large baby doll, diaper pins, or snappis, and … Continue reading

The Cost of a Cloth Diaper Stash

The costs begin to grow long before a baby is even born. For parents who are expecting a new baby, the initial outlay of cash for cloth diapers can seem substantial and overwhelming. Even the most expensive ordinary diapers do tend to be worth it in the end, but in the beginning those costs are daunting. What will it cost to create a cloth diaper stash? The wonderful thing about cloth diapers is that they are so diverse. You can choose cloth diapers that are handmade by artisans, with covers that are embroidered or hand painted. These will likely run … Continue reading

Detergents for Cloth Diapers: How to Get Them Clean and Preserve the Fabric

Do you have a diaper service? If not, and if you choose cloth diapers, you will enter the world of laundry in a big way. Never fear, though – cloth diapering is much cheaper than disposables, and the extra work of laundry does not need to be overwhelming. The first order of business is to get those diapers clean. Diapers do get dirty. I have never demanded perfect whiteness from my diapers. In fact, we got unbleached diapers, a reassuring cream color that did not show stains as easily as a bleached cotton diaper. Cleaning diapers is a fine balance … Continue reading

Find Free Cloth Diaper Patterns Online

I am not the best seamstress. Like my daughter, I tend to craft free-form, without a pattern and without measuring or pinning a lot of the time. However, occasionally I require help. Since I like to turn to the good old Internet for help when I am seeking crafty inspiration, that’s where I turn for simple sewing patterns. If you are thinking about sewing your own diapers, there are sources of free patterns online. Here are a few places that you can look for all-in-one, pocket diaper, or prefold patterns. If you’re just getting started in the world of sewing, … Continue reading

Cloth Diaper Fabrics

We all wish for something lovely and cushy for our new baby’s bottom. When it comes to cloth diaper fabrics, there are many to choose from. Some might say that there are too many. It’s a wide, wide world of diaper fabric out there, with so many choices that it can boggle the mind of new parents. What are the options? Cotton fabric is the most common diaper fabric. Cotton terry is a plush fabric that can absorb a lot of water. Conventional cotton does use a lot of pesticides to grow, so look for organic and unbleached cottons if … Continue reading

Cloth Diapers: Snaps, Clasps, and Pins

For the origami-phobic, the thought of putting together something that involves pins, cloth, folding, and your newborn’s sensitive skin can be a little scary. Those who are truly worried have little to fear – the all-in-one and pocket diapers of today involve pre-installed metal and Velcro connectors. If you’re looking into less expensive cloth diapering options, you may consider prefold diapers. These are simply a large rectangle of cloth that is well-padded in the center of the diaper. You fold the rectangle over your baby’s bottom, fold it, and clip it together on the sides. The clip can be a … Continue reading

Cloth Diapers: What is a Prefold?

Cloth diapers are a good way to diaper on the cheap. Compared to the cost of disposables over your baby’s and toddler’s diapering career, cloth tends to run cheaper. However, the initial outlay of money to develop a cloth diaper stash can feel rather appalling to an expecting family, especially if you’re becoming a stay-at-home mom or spending some time at home with your baby after the birth. If you’re willing to put a little bit of effort into cloth diapering in order to cut costs, then the prefold is the way to go. Contrary to their name, prefold diapers … Continue reading

How Will You Diaper Your Baby?

You’ve been decorating the nursery, planning your maternity leave, taking your prenatals and reading your pregnancy books cover to cover, but have you thought about how you will diaper your baby? Most of us assume Pampers will do the trick and never consider the alternatives. But when you weigh in the environmental impact and the cost of disposable diapers, checking out cloth diapers should at least be right up there with picking out nursery furniture. But aren’t cloth diapers expensive? They can be. Cloth diapering has the potential to save you a ton of money. If you stick to essentials, … Continue reading