Baby’s First Check Up 3

What does your baby’s doctor need to examine for the first check up? We have been going through the different areas of that first examination and talking about your baby’s healthy body. Chest Your baby’s doctor will listen for a while to your baby’s chest. First of all, the doctor is checking the heart beat to make sure that there are no abnormal sounds or beats and that the rhythm of the heart is just right. Possible structural problems may be evident when listening to the heart. The lungs also get a good checkup, as your baby’s doctor makes sure … Continue reading

Gender Stereotypes and Babies

The difference between boys and girls in terms of behavior is pretty subjective and largely depends on who you are talking to. Some psychologists will tell you that our children are programmed by our expectations, not their genetics, and how we mold them based on those expectations. I firmly believe that is a load of…. diapers. I do think that families play a huge role in the behavior of the children who grow up in those families, but I also think that gender plays a very big role in their behavior as well. It wouldn’t be a stereotype if it … Continue reading