Ask a Baby Blogger: Can I Still Breastfeed if my Baby is Lactose Intolerant

Yesterday, I answered a reader’s question about whether or not it was possible to be unable to digest breast milk due to lactose intolerance. We discussed the difference between primary lactose intolerance and secondary lactose intolerance. While primary lactose intolerance is extremely rare and is a genetic disorder, secondary lactose intolerance is always caused by damage to the gut. It is a temporary condition as long as the gut is allowed to heal. What causes secondary lactose intolerance? Anything that damages the gut, where lactase is produced, can cause secondary lactose intolerance. The condition need not be permanent however, as … Continue reading

Breastfeeding and Cold Medications

You have a miserable cold. You can’t breathe, you can’t sleep and frankly, sitting in the steamy bathroom isn’t cutting it as your only means of decongesting. You’ve tried other natural remedies to no avail. If your breastfeeding, what are your options? Cold Medications and Breastfeeding Cold medications are generally made with one of two active ingredients: either pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. Both are considered moderately safe while breastfeeding but pseudoephedrine can cause a decrease in supply in some women. Does that mean that you should stay away from it all together? Not necessarily. Phenylephrine Phenylephrine has not been reviewed by … Continue reading

Treat that Cold Without Drugs or Honey!

The FDA recently warned parents that cold and cough medications for children under the age of 6 were ineffective and potentially dangerous. Consequently drug makers voluntarily recalled all of the cold medications aimed at the young crowd. Parents are now in a quaundry over what to do with their sick infants. However, with parents feeling like they have little options to soothe their infants’ stuffy noses, hospitals are seeing a rise in botulism cases. Wondering what stuffy noses and botulism have to do with one another? Apparently, many mothers are using honey to soothe throats and treat colds. Hospitals are … Continue reading