Breast Milk Ice Cream?

Have you ever tasted your own breast milk? Many moms do. I have had several people tell me that they taste everything they put into baby’s mouth, and that includes their own breast milk. I am very pro breastfeeding. I feel that for me, it was definitely the right choice with both of my children. I was blessed with an overabundance, and I felt like it was my responsibility to breastfeed. But, I never tasted it. Never. It felt unnatural for me to try my own breast milk. It was for baby, not me. But, what is the harm in … Continue reading

Preparing to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is a foreign concept to many new moms-to-be. The majority of babies are fed formula, so a woman is not likely to see a whole lot of nursing happening around her throughout her life. When I took a breastfeeding class while I was pregnant, the instructor asked, ‘how many of you have ever seen a mother nurse her child?’ Out of the whole room, only two or three women raised their hands. Because of this, breastfeeding can be hard for new moms because there is not a lot of support for her in terms of advice and help, because … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Can a Baby Be Allergic to Breastmilk?

Question: I was told that my baby was fussy and spitting up so much because he was allergic to my milk. This doesn’t really make sense to me–can you explain it better? I hate to be the one to tell you this, but being allergic to breastmilk is not really possible. Babies simply are not allergic to their own mother’s milk. Healthy babies are designed to eat and what they eat is mother’s milk. Plain and simple. Anyone who tells you to switch to formula because your baby is allergic to your milk is not someone that you should be … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Questions: Hind Milk and Fore Milk

Someone in the forums asked me to explain the idea of hind milk and fore milk. Most women don’t even need to worry about it. Your milk comes when it comes and is perfectly designed to meet the needs of your baby. Your baby instinctively knows how long to suck and when. When he’s thirsty, you’ll notice that he sucks lightly and doesn’t nurse as long. However, when your baby is really hungry, you’ll notice that his suck is much harder and he’ll tend to nurse much longer in this manner on one side or the other. This is because … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: A Toddler’s Proper Place on the Weight Charts

Question: My youngest is one and starting to lose ground on the charts. All of my kids went through this when they started becoming very active and I night weaned. My ped wants me to stop breastfeeding and put him on whole milk. I want to continue to breastfeed. I’ve been giving him baby yogurt, ice cream (he hates it), avocado (he hates it) cookies and other junk food to get the calories in. Any other suggestions? Ah. . .doctors and their lack of knowledge on breastfeeding coupled with their attachment to those charts = a dangerous combination. To put … Continue reading

Shopping List and Tidbits for the Food Blog: April 7 through April 13

The food blog has been busy, busy, busy this week thanks to the excellent ideas and recipes contributed by our very own frugal blogger, Mary Ann Romans. Keep reading for fabulous ideas in the kitchen, new food trends, and of course, you can always print out your shopping list full of ingredients! Tidbits March was National Pasta Month. However, as you may well know, March was also the month of the blogger hiatus. So National Pasta Month got celebrated with a quiz last week and this week I have posted the Answers to the Noodle Quiz. Are you familiar with … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Why Can’t You Breastfeed a Baby on a Schedule? Part 2

Question: I always hear about you’re supposed to breastfeed on demand but I have a problem with this. First of all, I feel like the baby needs to work on my schedule, not me being a slave to the baby. Second of all, I don’t think it’s healthy for babies to “snack” like that. Doesn’t that just set them up for bad eating habits later? Thirdly, I think it spoils a baby to respond every single time they cry. And finally, if my baby is on a schedule won’t he sleep through the night better? Yesterday I addressed the first … Continue reading

Creamy Chicken and Biscuits

I saw this recipe and I knew I had to share it with you. Today in Southern California the weather is crisp again. It rained this morning and I’m sitting here at my desk with a cozy blanket over my legs. Never mind the fact that it will be 80 degrees tomorrow—today it is lovely. And today I want these creamy chicken and biscuits. If you’re looking for a simple yet decadent recipe to prepare for your family tonight, I hope you’ll consider this one. Add additional spices to suit your family’s tastes, and if you’d like, you can add … Continue reading

What to Eat While You’re Breastfeeding

It actually takes more calories to feed another little human than to grow one in utero. Breastfeeding uses up around 500 calories a day (so yes, if you’re feeding two, that equals 1,000 calories a day!) So if you’re er. . .uh. . .mathematically inclined like me, nursing one infant a day equals a big scoop of Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream, or a slice of pizza and a soda! It is true, you can eat pretty much whatever you’d like while you’re breastfeeding. Interestingly, what you eat has very little effect on the composition of breast milk–it still has … Continue reading

Do I Need That? Helpful Gear for the Breastfeeding Mother

With our first baby we had three showers and oodles of well-wishers giving us tons of stuff. Our baby’s room was so full, we couldn’t even reach the crib! With that said, I am devoting one article to a review of helpful baby gear for nursing moms. Every mom’s situation is different and you may find that I’ve not recommended something that you found invaluable. If so, let me know! I’d love to hear your experiences! The Breast Pump My advice is to skip this section of the baby store all together until you really know what you need. Why? … Continue reading