Baby Blog Month in Review: June 2008

June was my first official month posting for the Baby Blog. It has been a great experience. I love learning new things about babies and sharing it with friends. Of course, I could use your help. Whether you are a first-time mom or an experienced mom of a large family, I want to hear from you. Please share your advice, your questions and your comments. On which topics would you like to see more blogs? Meanwhile, take a look at all of the articles we had in June. June 2nd Introducing Babies to Birds Perhaps it is the fact that … Continue reading

Boy Toys versus Girl Toys

It can drive you nuts when you are out shopping for baby and you see the gender separation of toys even at such a young age. You may wonder what’s going on if your male toddler enjoys playing with baby dolls and is it okay that someone gave your baby girl a play set of tools? The trick here is to realize that there’s a ton of research in this area, but most of it is undependable. Babies develop at different rates and are affected by everything from their environment (including whether they have siblings), to their parents to the … Continue reading

Gender Stereotypes and Babies

The difference between boys and girls in terms of behavior is pretty subjective and largely depends on who you are talking to. Some psychologists will tell you that our children are programmed by our expectations, not their genetics, and how we mold them based on those expectations. I firmly believe that is a load of…. diapers. I do think that families play a huge role in the behavior of the children who grow up in those families, but I also think that gender plays a very big role in their behavior as well. It wouldn’t be a stereotype if it … Continue reading

Big (1988)

“Big” was one of the first movies I ever saw starring Tom Hanks, who, I must say, is a comic genius. Josh Baskin is a thirteen-year-old boy who has a crush on an older girl. When he tries to get her attention, she’s not impressed. Placing a token into a fortune-telling machine, Josh makes a wish. “I want to be big,” he says. When he wakes up the next morning, his wish has come true. When his mother sees him (now played by Tom Hanks) she chases him out of the house, and he turns to his best friend Billy … Continue reading

The Idiot Box & Fitness

In the February issue of Pediatrics a magazine, a study was published that may actually surprise you – it certainly surprised me. It states that if your teenager or child is not getting enough exercise – the blame does not lay with the idiot box or television. In fact, the study also revealed that there was no relationship between the amounts of time a teenager spent watching television and their level of physical activity. While this may fly in the face of conventional thinking because we tend to think of the television as leading to couch potatoes and the couch … Continue reading