Our “Jon & Kate” Moments

With all of the controversy surrounding TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus Eight, I started thinking about what life might be like if we were on a reality show and cameras were catching our every move. Would I be like precise no-nonsense Kate Gosselin or like nurturing Aunt Jodi? And what kind of awkward moments would be captured for all of the world to see that would have people wondering about the parenting style we use with our little ones or actively criticizing our lives. The hairdo A lot has been said about Kate’s wacky hair do that she calls her … Continue reading

Benefits of a Mom Mentor

From the time that little baby is placed in a woman’s arms, she is expected to know everything she needs to know about caring for a child from pure instinct. Any new scientific developments can be learned from books. But when you are in the trenches, it is pretty clear that there are a lot of situations that can come up that leave you bewildered. Having a mom mentor can be a wonderful means of support and reassurance. What is a mom mentor? A mom mentor is a mom who may be slightly older or at least has a few … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: May 8 to May 27

Oops! The last few weekends have been filled with craziness and I have simply forgotten to do my week in review blogs! Between homeschooling conventions, a bout with croup, and year end activities–the time (and my brain) just escaped from me. So if you’ve missed anything recently. . .it’s here! Saturday, May 26 Babies Have Astounding Capabilities Scientists and researchers are learning more and more about how babies learn language. It’s changing the way we define intelligent and challenging our beliefs on the best ways to enhance development. Friday, May 25 Preemies Listening to Vivaldi? Check out this exciting research … Continue reading

Benefits of Church for a Single Parent

Becoming single, whether from divorce or the death of a spouse, is a huge change of life, especially when there are children involved. During this time of life, it is essential to surround yourself by loving and understanding family and friends. In addition, once you are on your own, you need to keep yourself focused in the right direction so you remain positive and strong. One of the best suggestions is to find a good church where you live, one that offers single moms a support system. For instance, many churches provide a special ministry that is geared toward singles … Continue reading

Get Enough Sleep for Your Baby

It is no myth that one of the major side effects of having a baby is sleep deprivation. The people around you will tell you to make sure that you sleep when the baby does, but this isn’t always practical. After all, there is the laundry to do, meals to prepare, etc. And who is ready to take a nap just two hours after they get up anyway. But getting enough sleep is more important for a new parent than you might at first think. There are several reasons why your baby needs you to be well-rested. When you are … Continue reading