Tips for Parenting Introverted Kids

Do you feel that your child is exceptionally quiet? This can be somewhat confusing for parents who are naturally extroverted. How do you raise a child who is very different from yourself? Here are some tips to help extroverted parents raise introverted kids. What is an introvert? People who are introverted prefer to be by themselves (or, sometimes, with one or two very close friends.) Being in a crowd of people, or forced to attend a party, can be overwhelming to introverted people. To “recharge”, an introvert will need to spend some time alone. Extroverted parents might feel the need … Continue reading

Christmas Safety Tips for Parents of Toddlers

Everyone wants to have their holiday vacation be a pleasant one. Ideally, everyone in your family should be warm, safe, and happy. One way to help ensure a merry Christmas is to follow some of these holiday safety tips. These are geared for new parents and for parents who have small children. Toddlers will grab trees. Many parents make use of a playpen from time to time. Some parents use the playpen as an easy place for their toddler to take a nap. Others put their toddler safely into the playpen so they can quickly run to the bathroom or … Continue reading

Tips for Becoming a More Empathetic Parent

No one every said that being a parent would always be easy. There will be times when your child’s behavior frustrates you (or makes you angry). Many people “lose their cool” when they feel stressed and overwhelmed. Children need parents who are empathetic to their needs. Here are some tips to help you become a more empathetic parent. There is an article in the Huffington Post titled “How to Be an Empathetic Parent, Even When It Feels Hard”. It was written by Andrea Nair. She is a psychotherapist and parenting educator who teaches people how to be empathetic. In her … Continue reading

Sanity Tips for the Single Mother

You’ve got a lot on your plate. If you’re anything like me your mind is going about a thousand miles an hour trying to keep track of this and that and what and when and who and…well you get the point. It’s kind of a mess trying to keep track of everything you have to do day in and day out because there’s no one else there to remind you of what needs to be done. I have felt myself going a little more insane each day, but I have learned a few tricks that have helped keep my sanity … Continue reading

Avoid the Bedtime Battle

Daylight saving time ends in the wee hours of Sunday morning. For many parents, the occasion can be bittersweet. While “falling back” yields an extra hour to spend however you desire, it can also mean extra-tired kids whose bodies don’t acclimate well to time changes. My daughter is a warrior when it comes to bedtime. The kid fights off sleep like a Roman gladiator. She’s Spartacus, sleep is the enemy, and I have to suffer through the nightly battle. Add in the whole turn-your-clocks-back-an-hour business and things can get rough. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid going to war … Continue reading

Tips For Better Sleep During Pregnancy

If it feels like you have not slept well since you got pregnant, you are not alone. Pregnant women often have trouble sleeping. The good news is, you do not have to suffer from lack of sleep for your entire pregnancy. Try these tips to help you rest a little bit easier. One major cause of interrupted sleep during pregnancy is that your constantly active bladder that has you running to the ladies room all day long does not take a break at night. You will probably find yourself waking up at least a couple of times each night to … Continue reading

Summer Grooming Tips

Today I saw this picture of a fake cat made out of the fur of the real cat it sat beside. The picture really drove it home, as if the hardwood floors I have all over my house hadn’t already: summer is here, and that means so is grooming season. I hate grooming. It’s always just such a trial in my house. But I’m cheap so I hate paying for it more, and because none of my animals do much more try to walk away a little and guilt me a lot for brushing them, I don’t have a great … Continue reading

Potty Time? Not Right Now

One of the big experiences that parents of toddlers encounter is potty training. This evening, I realized that Dylan really has not started potty training at all. He wants to wear training pants, but he does not want to stop playing outside or whatever else he is doing to let me know that he has to use the potty. He does not even tell me when he needs to be changed. It is probably a good thing that he has not started potty training, though, because I have not yet educated myself about how to do it. I want to … Continue reading

My Five Favorite Tips to Avoid Burnout

I did not listen to advice telling me to sleep when the baby sleeps. Instead I cleaned. I did not listen to the advice to take time for myself. Instead I planned more lessons and tried to squeeze in some work. I did not listen to advice telling me to not worry about the little messes. Rome wasn’t cleaned in a day. Instead I drove myself to the brink trying to get my overflowing “to-do” list done in one day. Then one day I found myself burned out. I was unable to move. Things that were once a joy were … Continue reading

Timesaving Tools

There are so many tools on the market to help you clean your home quickly and more efficiently. I previously wrote about time saving laundry and housecleaning tips, now it’s time to talk about the tools that can save you time. Personally, I don’t like disposable products, I think they are a waste of money and landfill space, but I can also see the need for them. So here are some products to help you keep your house clean. Cleaning the toilet is not high on anyone’s list of favorite things to do. Luckily there are products on the market … Continue reading