Bassinet Safety

Bassinets, co-sleepers, portable play yards and cradles are all great products to use for an infant when you want the baby to be close and hand. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents share a room with their baby but not a bed, and a bassinet can do the trick. One thing that many parents don’t realize (I know I didn’t, and we used a bassinet with all three of our children) is that there are no federal regulations regarding bassinets as there are with cribs. In other words, cribs must follow safety standards set by the Consumer Product … Continue reading

Boppy Newborn Loungers Have Been Recalled

Boppy is a well known brand that sells a variety of products, including baby carriers, nursing pillows, and Boppy Loungers. Boppy announced that a safety recall alert has been placed on their Newborn Loungers. This is important for parents of newborns to know about. Here is the information Boppy provided: In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, The Boppy Company is conducting a voluntary recall of its Newborn Lounger to address a risk of infant suffocation. Infants can suffocate if they roll, move, or are placed on the lounger in a position that obstructs breathing, or roll off … Continue reading

Part 3: What Are the Five Tools of Attachment Parenting

Attachment parenting is a very personal decision, but a parenting method that I highly recommend. Parents who practice attachment parenting sometimes get criticized for putting the baby first, which confuses me, since I see this as a normal part of parenting a young infant. I have been discussing the five tools of attachment parenting, as laid out in The Baby Book , by Dr. and Mrs William Sears. So far, we have discussed for previous tools of attachment parenting. Now, let’s discuss the final tool, and the one that may be the most controversial. 5 “Share Sleep with Your Baby” … Continue reading

Sun Protection and Your Baby

Protecting your baby’s skin is so important for his lifelong health. One bad burn in childhood can dramatically increase her chance of getting skin cancer as an adult. Baby’s skin is thin and can often burn even on a cloudy day in the shade. Here are some tips that you can use to protect your baby from the damaging rays of the sun. What type of sun protection should you choose? Sunscreen acts as a screen absorbing the suns rays, while sunblock does a better job at actually blocking out everything. There is generally no difference between the active ingredients … Continue reading

Are Your Children Safe with Their Grandparents?

This past summer, my husband and I had to make the hard decision between ourselves that we would not leave our children alone in the care of their grandparents. I won’t go into details, but it became obvious to us that our children’s safety might be compromised, were they in the sole care of their grandparents. This wasn’t an easy decision to make, of course. Feeling would be hurt, and the matter had to be handled delicately. But, we feel that it was the best decision for our family and for the safety of our children. Depending on your situation, … Continue reading

Preparing for Baby When Money is Tight

The current economic climate is affecting families in a broad range of ways. Whether one partner has lost a job, had their hours reduced or the rising cost of food and energy is sapping the budget, there may not be as much money to go around these days. Sadly, it is a sign of the times and is likely to continue for some time. If you are pregnant and short on cash, you may be worried that you won’t have what you need when the baby arrives. Fortunately, new babies need very little. We are conditioned by advertising to think … Continue reading

Co-Sleeping Versus Bed Sharing

Having a baby brings all sorts of controversial things into your life. Will you breast feed or bottle feed? Did you have a “natural” pregnancy or one with the help of pain medication. Do both parents work, or does one stay home? People have strong opinions on these topics. Then there are the sleeping arrangements. The decision on where your baby sleeps can not only be an issue of parenting choices, but one of safety as well. You might be surprised to learn that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) actually recommends the practice of co-sleeping. But, before you jump … Continue reading

Why Use a Baby Hammock?

For our first baby we had a crib. We got a crib (actually one was purchased for us) because that’s what every one else had. That’s what we were supposed to get. So there we were, exhausted but politically correct in the baby sleeping department. That is until we couldn’t take the sleep deprivation and wisened up to the benefits of co-sleeping. We’ve never gone back to having a crib or bassinet or anything of the like. Even the twins co-slept with us until they got to big. There is after all a space limit to how many people can … Continue reading