Loud Babies

I have definitely experienced the humiliation of a public meltdown courtesy of my dear toddler. We were at the fair and he had a monumental fit when we left. I had to push him in the stroller through a crowded parking lot and down a busy street while he shrieked like he was being eaten alive. I didn’t have any options but to continue pushing him to the car. Sometimes babies are loud for other reasons, however. Even the happiest babies can make a commotion in public. What is a parent to do? Your first instinct might be to simply … Continue reading

Treat that Cold Without Drugs or Honey!

The FDA recently warned parents that cold and cough medications for children under the age of 6 were ineffective and potentially dangerous. Consequently drug makers voluntarily recalled all of the cold medications aimed at the young crowd. Parents are now in a quaundry over what to do with their sick infants. However, with parents feeling like they have little options to soothe their infants’ stuffy noses, hospitals are seeing a rise in botulism cases. Wondering what stuffy noses and botulism have to do with one another? Apparently, many mothers are using honey to soothe throats and treat colds. Hospitals are … Continue reading