Baby Shower Gift Idea: eMealz

After the birth of my third and fourth child, I was blessed enough to be a member of a loving church. They are so loving and understanding that after a birth of a baby the women get together and bring you dinner for the first week or two. I have to say the experience was wonderful. Not only are the women of my church loving they are great cooks. I felt like I was at a restaurant every night. Not to mention how grateful my family was to have hot meals every night without lifting a finger. Dinner is necessary … Continue reading

Identity Thief

Babies are a joy to be cherished. There is nothing like holding your baby for the first time. The first few days are precious and far too fleeting. I wish I had a time travel machine to go back to the newborn days of my children. On the other hand of the joy they bring is the feeling some moms feel that their identity has been stolen. One day you are you. People call you by your name. They ask how you are doing. You have goals and dreams. The next day you are so and so’s mom. Everyone begins … Continue reading

The People

On account of the baby shower (see the last post) we had lots of guests spending the night in our new home. This wasn’t a problem and was even welcome! It was great to see so many people we hadn’t seen in a very long time. There was, however, an issue. It’s not a negative thing by any means but it did have clear repercussions: our son was extremely excited about having guests over too. So excited, as it turned out, that he was going to put on a major show for everyone. Not only that, he was going to … Continue reading