Safe Swimming With Your Toddler

Ah, summertime. There is nothing that calms an overheated and cranky toddler like a dip in the pool, lake, river, ocean, or even the bathtub. It is important to play it safe around water, and most parents know the basics of water safety. Things like supervising your toddler’s watery adventures, making sure your toddler gets out of the water before they get too cold, and teaching your toddler how to be safe in the water are probably second nature to most parents. There are some hazards, though, that you may not necessarily know about. Recently, at least one child that … Continue reading

Baby at the Pool

It is the first day of summer officially, and here in my home state, it is definitely warm! My kids have been begging me to take them swimming. So, when a friend invited us to their neighborhood pool, I decided to drive the 20 minutes out to her house for a swim. I was a little worried about how it would go with trying to remember everything I needed for myself and three kids at the pool. Trying to remember everything you need for a baby is hard enough! When we got there, I got my kids all lathered up … Continue reading

Our Swimming Pool Adventures: Our First Visit to the Pool

With all of our pent up anticipation for the upcoming swimming pool season, I was thrilled when I discovered that one of the five local pools was opening a week early for Memorial Day. Given all of my preparations, I was excited to take the kids to the pool sooner than I had originally planned. However, I had reservation about going to the pool during Memorial Day weekend due to the inevitable throngs of people. This particular pool opened on Saturday and even though the high temperature for the day was in the nineties, I did not make an attempt … Continue reading

Our Swimming Pool Adventures: Getting Ready

It has been uncommonly hot this spring. The only problem with such high temperatures in the spring season is that none of the public aquatic centers are open. Our son and I have been longing for some water fun since late March (when we had a few days with temperatures in the high eighties). Knowing that we had a couple of months before the pools would open, I made sure that I had swimming suits for everyone. Last fall I bought a new swimming suit for our son when all of the swimming suits were on sale. Remarkably, his swimming … Continue reading

Swimming and Pregnancy

Swimming can provide an enormous relief during pregnancy, particularly in the midst of hot summer weather. Swimming not only provides a refreshing break from the summer heat, but it also brings much needed relief to achy joints. I first found the joys of pregnant swimming while I was pregnant with our son. I was nearly eight months pregnant and was experiencing lower back pain (most likely caused by wearing high heels to a special event). I was not overly excited about the prospect of swimming when I was so far along,but after we discovered that our unborn child had positioned … Continue reading

Swimming Lessons Day 1

We just finished our first week of swimming lessons. at the Rockwall YMCA. We opted to go every day for two weeks. Classes are Monday through Thursday. It takes a lot of planning to take two small children through different activities that last all day long. On Monday I thought I really had everything together because I packed most of it the night before. We left the house a little later than I wanted, which happens all too often. I had never seen that many cars in the parking lot before. I was lucky to find a place to park. … Continue reading

Swimming Bath

Toddler bath time is not an easy time. Jessie wants to splash and make a huge mess. When it’s time to wash she fights. Trying to wash her hair is next to impossible because she will not hold still to get the shampoo rinsed. Things go very badly when she wants to stand and do other dangerous maneuvers in the bathtub. Bath should be an enjoyable time for everyone but usually ends in tears. I thought I had solved the bath issue by having the toddler shower with me at night. She would still get hysterical with washing and rinsing, … Continue reading

Indoor Swimming Pool

My toddler daughter and I attended the third birthday party of her twin friends recently. The party was at a community center with an incredible indoor pool. The shallow end didn’t have a drop; it was a shoreline like being at the beach. When Jessie saw the water she was going to go right in fully dressed. I had to stop her from getting her clothes wet and she still went in with her shoes on. We went into the party room long enough to say hi to all my friends, especially the hosts, and drop off the baby before … Continue reading

Prep for Swimming!

This weekend my wife and I took a small break from our normal lives, went to a big box store and bought our son some swimming diapers, and took him to a pool. At one point I was a certified lifeguard (thought that has long since lapsed) but I’ve generally enjoyed the water. My wife also enjoys the water and we both figured this would be a good experience for our son to have before the really hot summer months begin to oppress our neck of the woods. We were unsure about how he would react to the water. He’s … Continue reading

Family Reunion Planning: Types and Themes

I may have gotten ahead of myself in this family reunion planning series, since technically this post should have come before my post about budget, venue, and food. Considering the type of reunion you will have, and any theme you may want, will help tremendously when determining your reunion budget. TYPES Small, intimate gatherings are probably the easiest and most inexpensive family reunions to plan. These often include just a few of your closest family members, and may be held in celebration of a special event, such as an anniversary, birthday, graduation, baby shower, etc. Medium-sized family reunions can also … Continue reading