Finally Crawling!

My little guy is almost 11 months old, and he just learned how to crawl this week. I actually didn’t think he would do it at all. He had become so efficient at his little army crawl that people frequently commented on how fast he was! Since we have all hardwood floors, scooting on his belly was a very efficient way to get around. He mastered the art by pushing off with one foot, while pulling himself in true army crawling fashion with one of his arms. I always looked at him though as he did this and thought about … Continue reading


The anticipation among my extended family for my daughter to crawl has been growing in the last few weeks. While I will be pleased when my daughter learns to crawl, I am in no hurry for her to leave her non crawling stage behind especially considering that she is only six months old. My son did not acquire his crawling skill until he was eight months old. Of course all children grow and learn at different rates so I am not expecting that my daughter will necessary learn at the same pace as her brother. In a lot of ways … Continue reading

Teaching Your Baby To Crawl

Is it possible to teach your baby to crawl? There are plenty of companies out there who would like you to think so. They offer all kinds of silly contraptions to put your baby on, claiming it will teach your baby how to crawl sooner. Let’s go on a tangent for a moment and explore our reasons for wanting our baby to crawl “sooner.” Is it because we want our baby to “beat” the other babies in the nursery? Is it because we are tired of carrying our little one from room to room? Because really, there are cons to … Continue reading

The Crawling Monster

My son has finally figured out crawling. He’s figured it out in a big way and my wife and I are starting to see what a massive change that actually is for our small family. Our son has the ability not only to move but to move quickly and decisively. I’m sure that all of the veteran parents are kindly laughing at me but it truly is quite a shock. Somehow I had thought that we’d seen the worst with his inaccurate wiggling from place to place. Boy was I wrong. Now our son doesn’t just not stay were we … Continue reading

Weird Things That Babies Eat

The other day, some moms and I were talking about what we let our children eat. Now, I’m not talking about pancakes, broccoli, and sushi here – although all of those sound good to me. No, I’m talking about slugs, leaves, and other non-edible objects. One of the parents made the point that with her first, she was super careful. She monitored her child’s every move to ensure that he did not put any non-food items into his mouth. Well, except for the usual toys. Certainly no dirt, for example. With the second she was a lot more lax, since … Continue reading

Elimination Communication With Older Babies

In a previous blog, I discussed the concept of elimination communication. Elimination Communication or EC is a way of learning your baby’s signals so that you can take him to the bathroom when he needs to go. It’s much more comfortable than diapers, and it involves a lot less laundry and expense. You also avoid many of the toilet training trials of the twos! However, hands up – who felt a wee bit overwhelmed with the very presence of their first child (or subsequent additions), let alone with the idea of taking this new being to the potty. Ok, probably … Continue reading

Fat Babies = Unfit Adults

According to a new study, infants who gain too much weight as babies are more likely to grow into obese toddlers, and later, obese adults. The research was conducted by doctors at Harvard University and Children’s Hospital-Boston and concluded that early eating and exercise habits are extremely important in shaping healthy adults. The study found that parents need to watch for cues from their children about when they are full, encourage them to drink plenty of water, and have them participate in activities that promote movement. The Harvard researchers noted that obesity rates among U.S. children have doubled in the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 18th Through August 24th

Somewhere near the end of summer my babies always seem to go through a growth spurt where nothing fits them. It is too late to get new summer clothes, and too warm for the fall clothes, so we are just making do. Soon it will be time to snuggle in and enjoy the cooler fall temperatures and hopefully have more time to catch up on some indoor fun. If you need to do some catching up yourself, check out last week’s posts. August 18th Baby Blog Week in Review: August 11th Through August 17th Have you seen the Reborn Babies? … Continue reading

Babies Need to Crawl

I remember when my oldest daughter was of crawling age, she didn’t crawl. People told me how important it was to crawl, how I should have her checked out and how perhaps there was something wrong with her. The truth of the matter is, when it comes to gross motor skills, she’s always been a little slow. She gets there eventually, but she’s always at the end of what is considered “normal”. Interestingly, she’s a very good artist. But the point is, the common wisdom of the day was that babies should crawl. Skipping the crawling stage, is apparently becoming … Continue reading

Initiating Breastfeeding with the Breast Crawl

Did you know that if you place a newborn on his mother’s abdomen after birth, he is capable of finding her breast all on his own and initiating breastfeeding by himself? This act is known as the breast crawl and it is being heavily promoted during World Breastfeeding Week. All Babies Do This This phenomenon was first published in an organized study in 1998. Infants were dried off and then immediately placed on their mother’s abdomen with the baby’s head on mom’s chest. Every single infant was able to instinctively find his mother’s nipple and begin suckling. In subsequent studies, … Continue reading