Seeing and Saying Baby

Normally I write about college life. My college life as a graduate student and as an instructor. Occasionally high school is thrown in there but I rarely talk about anything younger. Today I actually have something to share in that area. If you weren’t aware I am also a (relatively) new parent. My wife and I had our first and I’m the Fatherhood blogger here at Our son has provided many great things to write about over the past year (he’s just turned one in fact) but he just recently demonstrated the importance of learning to me and I’d … Continue reading

The Wagon Thing

Earlier in the month I wrote about “training wheels” and reflected on the many smaller steps it takes to get to the large ones. The “milestone moments” we record in photographs, videos, journals (or blogs!) of our children’s accomplishments are often not as exact as we’d like to imagine them. The baby doesn’t just one day begin speaking in full sentences. Asking a question like “when did I start talking” of your parents is a difficult question to answer. Often the answer comes in years: “When you were two.” But what does that mean? It’s kind of vague, isn’t it? … Continue reading

Toddler Language Development

Language development explodes during toddlerhood, with new words being acquired daily. For example when your your reaches eighteen months, his or her vocabulary should increase up to five times the amount that it was when he or she was only fifteen months old. First words The first words that a baby says are usually mama and dada. We see this across cultural lines, and it isn’t surprising that these first words are usually reserved for the baby’s parents. After that, the first word could be anyone’s guess. The word “more” is a popular first word, as is the name of … Continue reading

You Tube: How to Swaddle Your Baby

Swaddling a baby is often used to comfort a newborn baby who is used to being in close surroundings and doesn’t quite know what to do with all of those arms and legs that seem to flail around. When done correctly, swaddling can instantly calm a fussy baby (assuming of course that all of the other needs are met, such as feeding, changing and burping). But swaddling is often hard to get. Sure, the nurse at the hospital or birthing center may show you exactly what to do to wrap your infant up as a little burrito, but let’s face … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: September 2008

Here are all of the Baby Blog articles that were posted last month. September 1st Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008 Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. September 2nd Babies Are Built to Say “Mama” and “Dada” First! Do you remember your baby’s first … Continue reading

Your Baby’s Vocabulary

One of the biggest delights, I find, as a parent of a young child is all of the great new words and phrases that appear on a daily basis. I never know what is going to come out of the mouth of my two-year-old, and that is a good thing. Sometimes the words can be funny and make me laugh, either because of the pronunciation, or because they are unexpected. One phrase that always makes me smile and makes me prompt my little one to repeat it occurs near bedtime, when he rinses out his toothbrush. He proudly tells everyone: … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 25th Through September 7th

Now that Fall is starting to show its colors, my kids are more exited than ever to be outside. They are busy exploring nature, examining seed pods, planting popcorn and watching migrating birds. This time of years is a wonderful time for babies to explore more of the world around them. Look for future articles about ways to do this. Meanwhile, check out what has been going on recently here in the Baby Blog. August 25th Baby Blog Week in Review: August 18th Through August 24th Somewhere near the end of summer my babies always seem to go through a … Continue reading

Babies Are Built to Say “Mama” and “Dada” First!

Do you remember your baby’s first words? If your home language is American English, then chances are pretty good that those first words uttered by your baby were “mama and dada.” In fact, it is so common and expected, that many of us discount those words as the first. I consider my eldest child’s first word to be “gentle,” although he did say both mama and dada months before. (The word my youngest firs said was “uh-oh,” which tells you a lot about their personalities.) A recent study suggests that it is no coincidence that the “baby” words for mother … Continue reading