Supplementing: Why I Did It, When It’s Okay and When It’s Not

This blog is in response to someone’s specific question. The reader aptly pointed out that while I advise against supplementing, I have talked about doing it with my younger three children. She asked for further explanation and so in my first blog, I talked about why supplementing is a bad idea if you really want to breastfeed. In short, if you do supplement, it will decrease your supply. So Why Did I Supplement? My first two babies were the latch on king and queen of the world. I honestly believed that people who gave up just didn’t really want to … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Why Supplementing is Bad News

Question: I’ve read lots of your stuff about breastfeeding. You often tell moms not to supplement if they want to breastfeed but I thought I read somewhere that you supplemented with your younger three? Can you explain when it is okay and not okay to supplement? This is a really tricky question to answer because each individual situation is different. Let me preface my answer by saying that I believe that moms need to do whatever they need to do to get the baby fed. That sometimes includes supplementing with formula. However, let me say that supplementing is not the … Continue reading