How Fertile Was Your Great Grandmother?

As you put together your family tree, take a moment to focus on your great grandmothers. Although you may never have met these women, it turns out that they could, potentially, be very important to you. A study shows that the fertility of your great grandmothers can be used as a predictor of your own longevity. The study emphasizes the importance of whether or not your great grandmother had twins. A study that was led by a researcher named Ken R. Smith looked at over 58,000 women who were born between 1807 and 1899, and who lived to be at … Continue reading

Why I’m Losing the Mom Hair

Get this: the week I got pregnant, I got a sudden impulse to walk over to a salon during my lunch hour and chop off four inches of my long hair. Granted, I needed a trim, but looking back I’m not sure such a drastic cut was necessary. When I found out I was pregnant a week or two later, I decided I might as well take that hair cut once step further and get a “hot mom haircut.” That was the exact phrase I used to describe the hair I was going for while talking to my stylist. In … Continue reading

An Interview With A Seasoned Mom of Twins (Plus One)

Today I have a special interview with a mom of preschool twins and a baby. Lulu from Chicagoland has been a stay at home mom for five years and was gracious enough to take a break from her busy routine (at 10:30pm no less) to answer some questions about the differences between raising twins and a singleton. KN: Which was harder, being 8 months pregnant with twins or 9 months pregnant with your baby? Lulu: Definitely 9 months pregnant with the baby. KN: Really? Lulu: Yes, because being pregnant with the twins, I was on bed rest and didn’t have … Continue reading