World’s Largest Baby Massage

Now there’s a title that conjures up some mental images. But rest assured, it does NOT refer to the world’s largest baby getting a massage. A few days ago, I wrote about the American Baby Faire. It is a cheap (not entirely free, adults have to pay $8 to get in) entertaining way to check out the newest and coolest things for your baby in 2007. It is sponsored by Babies R Us and is a veritable mecca for all things baby. It is a fun event to go to because, of course, all of these wonderful baby products folks … Continue reading

Baby Blog in Review: April Thus Far

What can I say other than ‘oops’? I forgot to post a week in review for the baby blog last week. I was just coming back from vacation, had mountains of laundry and other sundry things to take care of and well, I just forgot. So this week, I will bring you the baby blog review starting from April 1st! Sunday, April 1 April started off controversially with a blog entitled Weak White Males and the Difference Race Makes in Preemies. This is a discussion on the statistical tendency for males, especially caucasion males to mature the slowest in the … Continue reading

American Baby Faire

Touted as the largest baby expo in the United States this is the event to be at if you are a new parent. Every one who is anyone in the baby merchandising world is there just waiting to give out their wares, offer you something to win, or give a free course on the beauties and wonders of their product. (Amazingly, you will not leave the place unconvinced in your need for. . .whatever it is they’re selling this year.) Despite its overly eager sales people who are clearly working on commission, it is an interesting event to go to … Continue reading

Car Seats Put Infants at Risk for SIDS?

I have to say right off the bat that my title for this is misleading. (But truth be told, I couldn’t think of an appropriately short title. . .) So here is my disclaimer: you should always put your infant in a car seat while driving. Car seats in and of themselves are not dangerous. But new research suggests you might want to avoid long errands out and make sure your seat is fitted properly to your vehicle when your infant is young. A study, done in a university in Canada reconstructed the unexpected deaths of approximately 500 infants over … Continue reading