My Experience With Child-Led Weaning

So you’re committed to breastfeeding your little one, but you’re still in the throes of full-time breastfeeding and wondering if you’ll ever get your body back. Perhaps you have decided to let your baby self-wean, but you are not sure how it is going to play out in everyday life. Part of you is afraid your baby will never give up her “nanas” (or whatever your little one calls them). That’s one of the main reasons many moms decide to wean at a certain age. Not having a concrete end in sight is hard for some moms. For others, weaning … Continue reading

Baby Blog in Review: April Thus Far

What can I say other than ‘oops’? I forgot to post a week in review for the baby blog last week. I was just coming back from vacation, had mountains of laundry and other sundry things to take care of and well, I just forgot. So this week, I will bring you the baby blog review starting from April 1st! Sunday, April 1 April started off controversially with a blog entitled Weak White Males and the Difference Race Makes in Preemies. This is a discussion on the statistical tendency for males, especially caucasion males to mature the slowest in the … Continue reading

Abrupt Weaning

Before the blogger hiatus and my own vacation I had started talking about weaning. There are several ways and methods used for weaning and for today and tomorrow, we’ll just address the issues surrounding abrupt weaning. Very few moms I know use this method. Even moms who decide to be done at a certain age generally don’t abruptly wean but rather build up to it so that they’re done by the time they want to be done. Abrupt weaning is actually quite harsh and is not really good for either mother or baby–even an older baby who is on solids. … Continue reading

Weaning: The Introduction

I have written so much on breastfeeding for that I think they could start their own little breastfeeding library between my blogs and the blogs of others who have also written on breastfeeding. However, I have focused a lot on how to get started and deal with problems. Indeed, this seems to be a much bigger issue for most women. However, someone recently pointed out to me that weaning a baby would be a welcome addition to the baby blogs. Sometimes weaning is from the breast to a bottle so that mom can go back to work. Other times … Continue reading

Returning Fertility While Breastfeeding

When you’re trying to get pregnant, the sight of your menstrual period can be disappointing, even devastating sometimes. But for mothers who breastfeed and are beginning to think about getting pregnant again, a period is a welcome sign of returning fertility. A few women ovulate before their period returns, and that is why people will always warn you to use birth control while nursing if you don’t want to get pregnant, but for most the first period indicates that ovulation is on its way. It’s not very often a woman wishes for her period, but this is definitely one of … Continue reading

Valorie’s Breastfeeding Index

Later today I will post a review of the baby blog of 2007 so why does breastfeeding get its own category? Well, in part as an answer to readers who want to read what I’ve written on breastfeeding. I’ve written so much on breastfeeding at this point that you all have asked for an index of sorts so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. It’s also in part because I’ve become known as the breastfeeding lady. . .guru. . .whatever you want to call it. I’ve been at this breastfeeding business for a long time and many of … Continue reading

Don’t Offer Don’t Refuse

Long before bloggers took their little break and I went on vacation, I promised that I would start discussing weaning your baby. So far we’ve gone over abrupt weaning and some of the intense consequences there are for weaning your child abruptly. However, it must be said that generally, mothers wean abruptly because of uncontrollable circumstances like illness, or an emergency. While it’s not best for either baby or mother–it simply cannot be helped. For the purposes of this article, we are going to assume that the ‘baby’ in question is over a year old. Babies under a year who … Continue reading