When Baby Sleeps Through the Night for the First Time

All of my kids have been so different when it comes to sleep. My first sucked her thumb, and therefore started sleeping through the night around 4 months old. My second didn’t sleep through the night until about 18 months old due to his tummy issues. Last night, my little man slept for 9 hours straight. This was the first time this had happened. I was thrilled and jumping for joy! (Actually, I was sleeping). Am I hoping that this trend continues? Absolutely. Am I counting on it? No. I’ve written before about sleeping through the night and how I … Continue reading

A Little Sleep Makes a Huge Difference

It’s amazing the difference one bad night of sleep can have on my mommying skills versus a good one. The night before last was very very bad. Last night was a good, or I should say, typical night for me and my newborn. Did you know that the definition for “sleeping through the night” is actually 5 hours of consecutive sleep by a baby? Some parents fool themselves into thinking that a baby should be sleeping through the night when their other mommy friends brag about their super sleeping babies. But, we have to be careful to define what they … Continue reading

Summer Reading Series: Dini Dinosaur

Have you ever considered swapping out your kid for a dinosaur? Surprisingly, you might not notice a huge difference between the two if the preposterous proposition became reality. Dig into Dini Dinosaur and you’ll see why. The new children’s book by penned by Karen Beaumont gives young readers a sneak peek into the daily routine of a dinosaur Mommy and her mischievous offspring. Thanks to playful, eye-popping pictures masterfully crafted by illustrator Daniel Roode, kids of all ages will find themselves drawn to this delightful dinosaur family complete with young Dini who loves to dig in the dirt. After successfully … Continue reading

Coping with Anger as a Parent

The baby is teething, your preschooler is throwing the temper tantrum of the century, and your six year old is boycotting homework since you won’t let him play his favorite video game. You feel your blood pressure rising, you’re ready to pull your hair out, and snap! We’ve all had those days when we’ve lost our temper with our kids. You feel so completely out of control and it feels like nothing you do makes a difference. Within a few minutes you feel terribly guilty and then without fail the cycle starts all over again. Kids are great at pushing … Continue reading

Time is Precious

I have a confession. I like to have my down time everyday to do absolutely nothing. If it is only for 15 minutes, I still feel happy. As a Mom to three kids, one of which is a 3 month old, my time is precious. It seems that every waking moment is spent holding a baby, changing a baby, or taking care of someone or something. There is not a lot of “free” time. But, I will go to great lengths to give myself one guilty pleasure everyday. I like to eat my lunch by myself in peace. Yep. I’m … Continue reading

The Trendy Mom & Baby

Today I had a post-partum check up and was waiting patiently for the doctor to come in. You know, half dressed, and praying that the baby would stay asleep in his car seat. I decided to pick up a parenting magazine I saw in the room and thumb through it while I was waiting. I won’t say which magazine it was, but I was shocked to find that this was like a people magazine, but for Moms. For example, every other page had a celebrity on it with their child. Of course, they were dressed to perfection in designer clothes. … Continue reading

Mommy Meddlers

This might appear as a vent session. In fact, I can almost guarantee it. But, I have to. I have three kids now, and my youngest is 11 weeks old. I have experienced Mommy meddling many times in having these three children. Yet, for some reason, it’s bugging me more and more the third time around. What am I talking about? I’m talking about people butting in on your parenting, or maybe, giving their two cents worth on something simple when you didn’t ask for it. I’m not talking about the meddling mother-in-law, or the very opinionated sister. No, I’m … Continue reading

Happy Helping Husbands

Today I took my kids, including my newest addition, to story time at the public library. My oldest son loves it. I frequently meet other moms there and get a chance to get out of the house and feel a little “normal”. Or at least, as normal as I can with a new baby around. Today I sat next to a Mom and we started chatting. She had 4 kids (twins in the middle) and her youngest was still a baby, although starting to toddle around. During the conversation, she said that she and her husband were going through a … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part II

While I’m no expert on this subject of overactive letdown and oversupply of milk, I’m excited to share this information with other Moms! I’m still trying to figure this all out myself, because my hope is that my baby who is suffering from the same symptoms I spoke about in Part I of this article, is actually having a problem with my supply, and NOT a problem with the foods I eat. However, in my case, I am currently cutting out dairy, soy, chocolate, corn, eggs, and nuts. I also have a prescription for an acid reflux medication if dietary … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part I

Although I am now breastfeeding my third child, I am just now looking into oversupply, and overactive letdown as reasons for why my baby is so fussy. I have always known that I had no problem producing enough milk for my babies. My first two kids were nice, chubby babies, and I have never been able to relate to women that don’t have enough. Although, I am fully aware that this is a real problem for many Moms. But, did you know that too much milk can also be a serious problem too? I didn’t, until recently, and honestly, it … Continue reading